Hybrid work in the Netherlands: 5 things to know

Working in your PJs? Check ✅

If you want more time with friends and family and less commuting, working from home some days could be just what you need.

However, there are some things you should know before transitioning to hybrid work in the Netherlands. 

Since the coronavirus lockdown made hybrid work commonplace, there are plenty of regulations and infrastructure in place to accommodate remote workers in the Dutch job market. 

We’ve put together this guide of five important things you need to know before you get started with your own hybrid working journey.

1. How popular is hybrid working in the Netherlands?

You might be wondering, what’s all this fuss about hybrid working? What’s so great about it anyway? Why is it that 62% of millennials and 63% of Gen Zers say they want to work remotely at least part-time? 

Let’s hit you with some stats to share with your boss. 😉

For a start, 82% of employees say being able to work anywhere outside an office makes them feel more content.

Not only that, but studies show that 60% of participants reported their productivity being boosted by the added flexibility. 

Maybe this hybrid worker satisfaction has something to do with the fact that — for 79% of respondents — their work-life has become more balanced since starting to WFH (work from home). 

You could also say it appeals to that (in)famous Dutch frugality. Yup, 76% of hybrid workers claim they’ve saved money by working from home — have you seen those NS fares recently?

READ MORE | The cost of living in the Netherlands in 2023 

Plus, two-thirds of people reported that they cut back on at least four hours of commuting time per week. Now that you don’t have to bustle back and forth to work every morning and afternoon, you spend that quality time doing something else. 

Maybe that’s why seven out of 10 respondents say their relationship with their family has improved since they began hybrid working. Aww. ❤️

2. How many people in the Netherlands are hybrid workers?

Since those dreaded coronavirus times, employees and employers alike have had their eyes opened to the possibilities of remote work. 

So, a lot of people want to do hybrid work, but how many of the Dutch population actually do? 

It’s also easier than ever nowadays to hold meetings online! Image: Freepik

According to a Dutch government survey, the country’s entire workforce spends an average of 6.5 hours working remotely. Four out of ten employees work remotely at least twice per week.  

In fact, the amount of hybrid workers has doubled since the time before the pandemic — and we better get used to it! A KPN survey found that three out of four hybrid employees believe that this trend is here to stay. 

3. How does the new ruling by the Dutch Senate affect hybrid workers?

Since hybrid working is widely accepted and even sometimes preferable in the Netherlands, you might be asking whether the Dutch government has responded to this trend. The answer to that question is… nope. 

Sadly, hybrid work has yet to become legally entrenched in the Netherlands’ employment market. In September 2023, the Dutch government decided against passing this law.

This means if you want to become a part of the hybrid-working family, you’ll have to submit a formal request to your place of work. 

However, the good news is that they’re only legally allowed to refuse your request if they have a “good reason.” 

Here are two basic requirements for submitting a hybrid working request to employers:

  • The company you work for must have at least 10 employees
  • You must submit the request at least two months before you wish to start remote work 

4. Still, there’s plenty of room for NL hybrid workers

Don’t throw in the towel just yet! Despite not passing the law, the Dutch government is generally supportive and encouraging of hybrid work. 

This is because hybrid work has many perks for employers, too! For one, it means that companies also save money by not having to secure a physical office space for all employees. 

READ MORE | 7 top pieces to upgrade your home office in the Netherlands

This is why it’s also no surprise that the Netherlands has a generous amount of infrastructure dedicated to making the life of a hybrid worker easier, such as:

  • Hybrid working hubs that allow you to sit in a cosy space with unlimited WiFi and other amenities together with other hybrid workers.
  • Plenty of public libraries with quiet spots for a highly concentrated work environment — as well as endless books that you can use for research. 
  • 5G and broadband across the country to ensure that your online work experience runs as smoothly as possible. 

5. What are the Dutch allowances and conditions for hybrid workers? 

Speaking of the facilities and tools for hybrid work, one super important tool is the allowances available to hybrid workers in the Netherlands. 

Working from home means you’ll likely find yourself dishing out extra cash on heating, water, electricity, coffee, and even toilet paper, which could leave a dent in your wallet at the end of the month. 

Maybe your workstation doesn’t have to be this organised — but it shouldn’t be that far off! Image: Freepik

As a hybrid worker, you should know your rights. Extra costs as a result of working from home mean that you’re entitled to reimburse these costs tax-free using a thuiswerkvergoeding (working from home allowance). 

And that’s not all. You are also entitled to receive a daily allowance of €2.15! 

However, you must ensure that your out-of-office workspace is acceptable by legal working condition standards.

Check to see if your home setup meets the “ergonomic” requirements, which include amenities such as:

  • Good lighting
  • A functional keyboard
  • Proper desk height
  • A good chair 
  • Strong internet 

Also, note that although employers may be allowed to monitor you as you work remotely, they can’t use just any tracking software to do so — you have a right to privacy! 

Curious and want to know more? The Dutch Data Protection Authority outlines the legal conditions of employee control

Are you feeling ready to enjoy the tax-free allowances, comfortable spaces, and flexibility in your schedule? 

With these five things in mind, you’re all set to begin the process of climbing aboard the hybrid worker bandwagon. Welcome to the family. 🧑‍💼

What other queries do you have about hybrid working in the Netherlands? Let us know in the comments! 

Feature Image:Freepik
Ellen Ranebo
Ellen Ranebo
As someone half Swedish and half Irish who has lived in the Netherlands, the UK, and attended an American School, Ellen is a cocktail of various nationalities. Having had her fair share of bike accidents, near-death experiences involving canals, and miscommunications while living here (Swedish and Dutch have deceptively similar words with very different meanings), she hopes to have (and document) plenty more in future.

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