That summer vacation in Germany or Belgium might be calling your name, but the NS won’t let you get very far without a reservation.
Did you take a train to Brussels or Berlin last summer? Were they overcrowded, or did the train skip the station you wanted to board at because it was too full?
According to RTL Nieuws, that is precisely what the NS is trying to avoid this year.
New reservation system
The NS has come up with a solution to prevent problems with international trains from the Netherlands this summer.
Deze zomer nemen we samen met de DB maatregelen om de dienstregeling van ICE te verbeteren. #zomer #ice— NS International (@NS_Int) May 1, 2023
Translation: This summer, together with the DB, we are taking measures to improve the ICE timetable.
A new reservation system to be implemented on June 17, will hopefully prevent long queues, cancellations, and safety issues caused by large crowds.
What is the new reservation system, you ask? Well, you won’t be able to just buy an Early Bird ticket to Antwerp or Brussels and board a train whenever you want.
Instead, you’ll have to book a seat with your ticket on a specific intercity train.
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This means that you will also have to be snel (quick) with booking those tickets because there will be fewer available.
Safety in less numbers
Another measure that will be put in place is a limit on the number of cheaper tickets to Belgium for passenger flow to be more evenly spread out.
According to Heike Luiten, Director of NS International, this move is unavoidable.
“NS expects this measure to contribute to seat availability, comfort and (social) safety on the Intercity Brussels,” says Luiten.
Interest groups say ‘Nee!’
The ANWB, Fietsersbond, KBO/PCOB, and Rover are against the new measures.
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These groups are going to advise the Dutch Railway (Nederlandse Spoorwegen) against the NS measures, stating that they will make international train travel less attractive.
Instead, they want the NS to use more frequent and longer trains to Belgium and Germany.
Are you going to reserve your international train ticket this summer? Tell us in the comments.