No trains around Amsterdam today: another day of Dutch train strike

The Dutch train strike is headed towards its second week, and it’s off to a dramatic start. Today, train traffic in North Holland and many trains going abroad are affected.

New week, new train problems. One of today’s most noticeable complications is that NS will shut down basically all trains going to Amsterdam, writes RTL Nieuws.

Another central hub shut down

If you were planning on going to Amsterdam (or any other cities in North Holland) today, you might want to reconsider. The rails will be empty today, in one of the busiest areas of the Netherlands.

Some creative solutions have to be crafted when the trusty Dutch train system falls apart.

Just like the South Holland strike last week, the North Holland shutdown will have serious complications for travellers all across the country.

READ MORE | NS strikes again: train traffic across the Netherlands impacted by South Holland standstill

There are still some options open for those in need of transport, however: some trains still operate between Amsterdam, Schiphol, and Utrecht, and the roads are, of course, accessible for car drivers.

However, the message from NS is clear: to avoid packed trains and busy roads, it’s better to stay home. This strategy will also prepare future passengers, since NS will cut many trains permanently starting from September 5th.

Going abroad? Planning is key

The North Holland train strike also influences international travel to a larger extent than the other regions.

If you’re going to Schiphol, it’s definitely best to go by car, although there will hopefully be a few trains running.

If you decide to drive, chances are it will be extra busy on the roads (although it’s expected that many people stay home), so make sure you plan some extra time in.

Further, international destinations like Paris and London are also affected today, as the Thalys and the Eurostar are not running either.

Have you experienced the Dutch train strike yourself? Tell us about it in the comments below!

Feature Image:Depositphotos
Juni Moltubak
Juni Moltubak
Juni moved to the Netherlands after realizing how expensive tuition fees in the UK are, and never regretted her choice of studying in The Hague. After three years of Political Science, she is ready for a new adventure — an internship at DutchReview! When you don’t see her typing on her laptop she can be found strolling around Haagse Bos or sitting in her lovely garden scrolling through interior design TikToks.


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