Coronavirus update: 455 new infections as the Netherlands prepares to relax measures

As the Netherlands prepares to start-up businesses after two months of intelligent lockdown, 455 new cases of coronavirus have been reported in the last 24-hours. That bring the Dutch grand total to 41,774 cases. 

Meanwhile, a further 39 people have landed in the hospital, and sadly 84 new deaths have been reported. Today marks 5,288 confirmed deaths as a result of coronavirus.

While today’s numbers are slightly higher than yesterday, RIVM says social distancing measures continue to have the desired effect.

Face masks to be mandatory on trains

From June 1, public transport will return to its normal schedule. However, there are conditions, such as a new requirement to wear a non-medical mask. Furthermore, only 40% of seats will be available.

Transport companies have insisted upon this measure is that it is close to impossible to keep 1.5 meters of distance in buses and trains.

Hairdressers and non-contact sports will be allowed again on May 11

In the coming weeks, hairdressers will begin to open (starting May 11), as well as nail studios. Like other contact professions, these two will only be permitted if there is an appointment in place.

Furthermore, non-contact sports such as tennis and golf will be permitted once more, though any matches or tournaments are still out of question.

Lastly (as was previously announced), primary schools are expected to open on Monday, while secondary schools will open their doors on June 2. Terraces may also open around then, with a maximum of 10 people permitted.

Coronavirus tests for all from 1 June — is that actually possible?

At last night’s press conference, Health Minister de Jonge said that the government was aiming to be able to test anyone with coronavirus symptoms from 1 June onwards. That sounds good, but is it actually possible?

In order for normal life to resume, there needs to be aa vaccine. But living with coronavirus in the meantime necessitates a much higher testing capacity than the Netherlands has had until this point. If everyone with coronavirus symptoms would be tested, that would require 30,000 tests per day.

7 million Dutchies are already planning a holiday

New data from NBTC-NIPO Research shows that 7.2 million Dutch people say they will still go on holiday this year. Last year, before the world ground to a halt, 11.9 million Dutch people were planning a trip. 

But, not everyone is packing their bags. The corona crisis has not only caused travel restrictions and flight cancellations but a lot of uncertainty. “In many cases, there is a desire to let the holiday continue at a later time,” says Politiek. 

What do the experts have to say about the easing of the intelligent lockdown?

The Dutch government announced a gradual relaxation of the coronavirus distancing measures last night. As the Netherlands whirrs and hums its way to a new start, experts are relatively positive about the easing of lockdown measures. Find out more about their thoughts. 

How the Netherlands is relaxing coronavirus rules: a step-by-step plan

In yesterday’s press conference, Minister de Jonge announced we would not be rid of coronavirus until a vaccine was made available, so we have to work on living with the virus for the moment. It is crucial that everyone sticks to the rules.

May 11, May 18, June 1, June 15, July 1 and September 1 are all important dates to keep in mind, gradually seeing the easing of measures. Find out more here. 

Feature Image: DutchReview/Canva

Vedika Luthra
Vedika Luthra
Vedika was born in India, raised in Poland and moved to the Netherlands to study. Like her nationality, she’s confused about what she likes most, which is why her bachelor’s degree was in liberal arts and sciences. She enjoys writing about all things food-related but likes to mix it up every now and then.


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