Frietkar from the Netherlands feeds thousands of Ukrainian refugees in Poland

A team of 10 people from Genemuiden are providing hot meals for thousands of Ukrainians on the Polish border.

The team collected 7000 kilograms of meat, four pallets of french fries, and 1000 litres of frying oil to make a frietkar — a portable Dutch snackbar, reports the NOS.

Dutch hospitality at the border

The group of volunteers arrived at a refugee shelter near Korczowa last Thursday with their frietkar, a camper, and a refrigerated truck full of food.

They also brought hundreds of kilograms of cheese, fruit, and candy. The local butcher of Genemuiden supplied them with 600 litres of pea soup.

What’s happening now?

The volunteers work in an assembly line to provide everyone with food. “Everyone is so grateful. It makes a big impression on us because the conditions are bad here”, says Niek Brouwer, one of the initiators of the project.

“With seven tons of chips, steak from the butcher, pea soup 😃 , cheese (!), fruit, and much more, the gentlemen from Genemuiden settled down with their dining tent in Korczowa for emergency shelter for refugees from #Ukraine. Dutch solidarity at its best!”

Stocks are running out quickly at the border, particularly the fries. But Brouwer says the truck is far from empty — the team just cannot work faster.

READ MORE | Here’s how you can help Ukraine from the Netherlands

Residents from Genemuiden also set up rooms at a local residential care centre for incoming families. On top of that, they prepared a truck of fire equipment on its way to Ukraine.

The efforts to help are visible across the whole country. Dutch TV and radio channels have come together for a nationwide Giro555 fundraiser to support war victims in Ukraine.

How are you going to help Ukraine today? Tell us in the comments!

Feature Image:Depositphotos
Katrien Nivera 🇵🇭
Katrien Nivera 🇵🇭
Third culture kid Katrien has been working as a writer and editor at DutchReview for over two years, originally moving to the Netherlands as a tween. Equipped with a Bachelor’s in communication and media and a Master’s in political communication, she’s here to stay for her passion for writing, whether it’s current Dutch affairs, the energy market, or universities. Just like the Dutch, Katrien lives by her agenda and enjoys the occasional frietje met mayo — she just wishes she could grow tall, too.


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