No more timetables! Trains in the Netherlands will be running every 7 minutes!

Good news for frequent train travelers! ProRail is working on a new schedule, where trains in the Netherlands will be running every 7 minutes. Here is everything we know so far about this new project!

More trains will be running to accommodate the growing number of passengers

ProRail wants to have more trains run in the future to accommodate the growth in the number of passengers. According to the calculations made by the rail operator, the number of passengers will increase by 40 percent over the next ten years. They also expect major train stations to become twice as busy during rush hour.

Changes have already been occurring in the trains’ timetable. Since this year, there is already an intercity train running every 10 minutes between Amsterdam and Eindhoven. Similar changes are expected to be implemented for the rest of the country.

More trains will be running because of bad connections

The current timetable is based on trains that run every fifteen minutes to half an hour. This means that passengers who have to switch often do not have a good connection. ProRail wants to solve this problem by not running an intercity train six times on busy journeys during rush hour. They are also considering extra fast trains on some routes that run between the intercity trains and slow trains. This would give travelers an extra option if they miss their main connection.

Additional parking options

As the majority of train travelers arrive at the train station via car or bicycle, ProRail is also considering adding additional parking options. They argue that at the moment there aren’t enough parking spots for cars, and not enough bicycle racks. Providing additional parking options is also something that needs to be considered in ProRail’s new travel plan, says director Freek Bos van Rover.

How do you feel about ProRail’s new travel plan to have trains in the Netherlands running every 7 minutes? Let us know in the comments below!

Veronika Licheva
Veronika Licheva
Living the short girl life in the land of giants. Veronika is a content creator who takes great interest in video, photography, and journalism. Her mission in The Netherlands is to build a vibrant and exciting career, while simultaneously petting as many dogs as possible.


  1. This means that passengers who have to switch often do not have a good connection. ProRail wants to solve this problem by not running an intercity train six times on busy journeys during rush hour
    ( so they aren’t going to???)

  2. How about bigger trains too? For example sprinters are one level only, could be turned into double deckers ones like intercity.

  3. Magnificent idea. Just leave home, don’t worry; catch a train and arrive at the destination in a reasonable time!

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