Amsterdam opens 900 spots for Ukrainian refugees this week

Amsterdam is working to increase their capacity to take in Ukrainian refugees from just 300 to 900 available spots this week.

A week ago, the Dutch government decided that each of the 25 security regions in the country must work towards receiving at least 1,500 Ukrainian refugees each.

To meet this goal, the municipality of Amsterdam has rented two ships docking at Java Eiland and a hotel, reports the NOS.

Preparing for Ukrainian refugees

At the moment, the city of Amsterdam only has the capacity for 300 incoming refugees. For now, a migration coordination centre has been set up at the RAI to appropriately welcome and register all incomers.

The municipality is still looking for more potential spaces and refugee shelters. In the meantime, a gym hall is being remodelled into an emergency reception centre.

Largest migration wave

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has triggered the largest wave of migration to Europe since the 1990s, writes the New York Times.

The Netherlands aims to play an active part in the reception of Ukrainians fleeing the devastating war in their country.

In total, the plan is to have the capacity for receiving around 25,000 Ukrainian refugees. 💙💛

What are you doing to help Ukrainian refugees? Tell us in the comments!

Feature Image:Depositphotos
Cara Räker 🇩🇪
Cara Räker 🇩🇪
Cara moved to the Netherlands at fifteen and she is here to stay! After all, there is so much to love about it, except maybe the bread (as every German will tell you). Next to finishing up her bachelor's degree in European politics (dry), Cara loves to do yoga, swim, and cook delicious veggie food.


  1. I think it would be great to establish a buddy programe for refugees here who want to hang out with locals and integrate easier. At the moment we cannot host anyone but would love to get to know the people, show them around and invite for a dinner. A friend living in Brussels suggested this. I could volunteer to help

  2. I really want to volunteer and help with these refugees.
    Do you know which organisations I can approach yo offer my assistance?

  3. On Java island there is an old school building ( Kleine Kaptein ) maybe this can be set up for a Ukraine school for the kids and Ukraine teachers ?
    The soonest we get the refugees a normal structure , and specially for the kids important !

  4. Anyone who wants to help, please do!

    We have a family with 3 children, currently in a shelter in Amsterdam, awaiting their visa for the UK. If you can help or know someone who could host them, please call me on +353873344886 – Alina Kurak

    The father is a University professor in Ukraine.
    Thank you!


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