Here’s why internationals struggle with dating the Dutch (according to a dating expert!)

When "going Dutch" seems like Mission Impossible 🙃

Are you a single international struggling to find the Dutch appel of your eye? Well, you’re not the only one — many internationals find it hard to date locals and this expert knows why. 👇

While dating is always hard, diving into the local dating pool as an international can be even harder, dating coach Marie-José Bosch-Kuiper explains on the BNR podcast Wereldspelers.

She outlines three key reasons why “going Dutch” tends to be a uphill battle:

1. The Dutch tend to be extremely independent

According to the liefdesexpert (love expert), a big reason why expats struggle to date locals here is thanks to the Dutchies’ independent attitude.

In Bosch-Kuiper’s words, the “Dutch woman” is fine with traditional dating rituals like having someone holding their door open… but “she decides which door”.

READ MORE | 6 things to know about dating Dutch people

Essentially, the Dutch sense of independence might scare off people who are used to more traditional gender roles.

(Whatever happened to liking strong, independent women? 👀)

2. An avalanche of nonchalance often leaves internationals confused

Other traits that tend to confuse internationals include the Dutchies’ extreme nonchalance and their down-to-earth attitudes.

Dutch directness can be quite a mood-killer! Image: Depositphotos

Bosch-Kuiper states that the Dutch tendency to brush off issues with a sober, practical attitude might come off as being cold and distant or dismissive of the other person’s concerns.

Sounds familiar? That’s because this attitude is also one of the reasons many internationals struggle to make Dutch friends.

3. Cultural differences can be hard to bridge

“International dating requires explanation and communication, if you want to date someone from a different culture, you have to delve into it and communicate about the differences,” says Bosch-Kuiper.

READ MORE | This American TikToker is sharing hella accurate truths about dating in the Netherlands (and more!)

According to the liefdesexpert, this results in internationals choosing to date other internationals instead — especially those from the same background.

Does this expert’s advice resonate with your experience dating in the Netherlands? Spill your hottest tea in the comments below.

Feature Image:Freepik
Beatrice Scali 🇮🇹
Beatrice Scali 🇮🇹
Five years after spreading her wings away from her beloved Genova, Bia has just landed at DutchReview as an editorial intern. She has lived in China, Slovenia, Taiwan, and — natuurlijk — the Netherlands, where she just completed her bachelor’s in International Studies. When she’s not reciting unsolicited facts about the countries she’s lived in, she is writing them down. Her biggest dreams include lobbying the Dutch government into forcing oliebollen stands to operate year-round, and becoming a journalist. In this order.


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