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The People’s Climate March on Amsterdam; As it Really Happened


Saturday was the People’s Climate March in Amsterdam. Originally, I wanted to write something about the march itself and the impact it may or may not have. I have since given up on this or any semblance of pushing my own agenda. Instead I would like to relay some of the conversations I had with people, I think they covered most of my own thoughts and will allow me to hide behind their words.

As it happened

Lets start with a quick rundown of events. The march started at 2, there was a large stage on the Museumplein belting out music and a few speeches in Dutch. The band on stage moved to a human powered float when the parade began and returned to center stage at 5 when the march returned. The energy was pretty good throughout, with the exception of a couple of lulls when things got backed up and the march came to a standstill.

Many of the onlookers smiled and took pictures, completely unaware of the events unfolding and their exact purpose. Not one face that I saw seemed upset or put off by the demonstration. During the march I tried to focus mostly on the people witnessing it. The people who did not know about the demonstration. Would this convince them to look into climate science? Might some of them march next year here or at their respective countries? Who knows.

The onlookers

To actually explain the march I think it is best to tell you about the people I met Saturday.

I then talked to some onlookers outside of the front of the Rijks. A family from Ireland, some students from Japan, a Moroccan couple, they were all smiling and taking pictures with a slight air of bewilderment, not sure if this was everyday in Amsterdam or a unique event. I approached them and asked if they knew what was going on, they said no but they all guessed basically correctly and supported the cause.

I kept walking a bit and came across a man by himself. He was smiling and having a smoke looking out over a canal when he noticed the demonstration and stopped to take some pictures. Dinnyes, a chef in Switzerland though he originally hails from Hungary. I asked him if he had ever participated in such a demonstration, he said no but that he was happy to see people taking part in something positive. We spoke a bit more, had a nice handshake and exchange of information and we parted ways.

After meeting each onlooker I could not help but think their day had been changed. The shock of seeing thousands of people march through the street with a positive attitude, making an attempt at change. I think this was the real effect of the march. To influence other people more so than the Dutch government.

Climate March on Amsterdam itself

I also mingled with the marchers asking them about their motives and what they hoped to achieve. The first marcher I spoke with was Daniel, it was his first demonstration. He said he used to be more passive about such situations but realized recently that unless people stand up for whats right, nothing will ever change. I cannot say he is wrong. And it was nice to see a young Dutch student getting involved for the first time. More on him later.

The next demonstrators I spoke with were Abdel and Yet (I had lost my pen at this point and desperately hope I am spelling their names correctly). I ran into Abdel looking on at the parade as it had slowed to a stop turning onto the gracht.

He and Yet were hopeful about the protest and were happy to see so many people getting involved in a variety of ways. I saw Yet toward the end of the march and she was near the front happily keeping pace still in high spirits. I was quite tired from all of the monarchic celebrations throughout the week but the positivity of protesters like her and the onlookers like Dinnyes helped me stay optimistic.

On the gracht I spoke with another woman, Eva, with NDSM.nl. She said her reason for being at the march is that she is working on incorporating more alternative energy in the Netherlands and wants to help work with Shell on an alternative energy future. She was staying pragmatic and looking for solutions that can start to be implemented now. I gravitated towards these sorts, more practical solutions for the here and now is always a good place to start.

By @Sharon__Maureen/twitter

The man on the porch.

While I was bypassing the gridlock on the gracht I asked people walking and staring on the opposite side of the canal what they thought of the march. Since it was a bit more removed than on the streets, they were less accurate with their guesses than the initial batch. One man with his children was looking on from across the way. I asked them if they had a guess about what it was they were seeing.

They said ‘no’.
I filled them in and asked the man if he agreed with the march.

He responded with a smile and a ‘no’.
I asked him if he could explain why he did not agree with the march.

His answer succinct. ‘No’.
We had a laugh and he proceeded to tell me.

His words were somewhat true even if not easy to swallow. He said that such marches do not sway governments. He was skeptical that the new coalition would look at such a demonstration and actually change policy accordingly. Pragmatically, he is completely correct, this will not accomplish the mission of effecting the new government which was the stated goal on Facebook. But there is clearly more to a demonstration than what one organizing group puts on Facebook.


Wrapping up the procession

Here I would like to skip to the end. The march itself, again, seems irrelevant to recount for people who were not there. Nothing crazy happened and you can basically imagine it. People chanting, one stage singing enviro-friendly songs, people all pushing similar but different agendas, and honestly it was not too chaotic or worth mentioning. The only relevant information I found was what the people thought of their own actions on this day.

I caught up with some of the people I had talked to earlier in the day near the end and asked them what they thought of the demonstration. Daniel was pleased as was Yet, they considered the march a success and I would have to agree.


The student activists

One group stood out to me throughout the day. A group of vegan student activists. When I saw them at the end of the march I had to inquire more about their motives and what they thought of the march. I spoke with two of the activists, Krishnakumar and Andrea. Both are studying at Rheinwaal University in Germany and made the trip to Amsterdam for the sole purpose of marching for the climate. They had signs with facts like ‘51% of greenhouse gas comes from the animal industry’ and other tidbits that did not force veganism. But gave compelling environmental reasons for going vegan none the less.

Krishnakumar far left Andrea next to him

I sat down with the two in the middle of the concert going on at the end of the march. I spoke with Krishnakumar first. He was disenchanted with the Media and felt that the people he has seen around the world are not doing enough to stand up to injustice.

I think the essence of what Krishnakumar said was best embodied in one sentence he said, ‘if you feel something is wrong, you must do something.’ Simple, elegant, and he put his money where his mouth is by showing up on Saturday. He was following the concept of responsibility laid out by the great rebels of the past century, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr, Nelson Mandela, and the like. Ktishnakumar felt that things must be done on an individual level first in order to impact others around you. By practicing what he preaches to the best of his ability it was easy for me to feel that even in my attempt at not eating a lot of meat maybe I should go full vegetarian or even vegan. Enthusiasm and hope poured out of him and I found myself being swayed.

Andrea later noted that she had seen the impact individuals can have on the group saying, ‘Not all of us are vegan, but it has made more of our peers aware.’ Aware.

One girl who went with their group became more interested in the Vegan cause after learning about it. She may not ever be a full blown vegan but I know that as a result of Saturday at least one person had learned about the climate impact of eating meat. That is progress. Not everybody knows the various ways we impact the earth and raising awareness for the impact of cosmetics, garments, livestock, and other issues is a necessary first step.

I asked Andrea rather vaguely ‘does protest work?’
She paused, ‘Depending on your aim. ‘Work’ is vague. It raises awareness. It gets people curious, and that works… As long as people are curious and they are willing to take new information, then you can consider that progress.’
I continued, ‘do you think this [vegan] message is maybe a bit shocking to some?’
‘Yeah I think so. Me and some of my girls here are vegan and have been for a few years now. I can see how it would be a little too much for some to take in. I’m all for progress and baby steps. Doing little bits until you get there.’

While other people were pushing their NGO’s or their social clubs, most of the people I met were individuals coming together to support the environment from their own angle. Not trying to gain much in return other than awareness.

By @Sharon__Maureen/twitter

I wish I could add the entirety of my interviews with these two student activists but that would likely fill another article or two. Long story short they see problems in the world but they also have small scale solutions to implement now while we work on the bigger issues. Reducing ones meat intake is a simple first solution but there are hundreds of other avenues from the media, to politics, to student movements that must all be taken for change to be made. That is the best I can do to sum up my 15 minute conversation with the two students, but there was a lot more said than I can do justice here.

The Message

Initially I was looking at the parade from the man on the porch’s perspective. Clearly this would not sway the government to change their policies, but maybe like the student activists seemed to think, it would raise some awareness.

Baby steps can really add up. There were quite a few young people I spoke with who said it was their first protest of any sort or one of the first they had ever been too, including a nice young Fries man. This alone was reason to celebrate. People are getting more involved and hopefully next year this same march can pull more people and more the year after that.

I do not think the stated goal of the protest, the NGOs, the band playing or anything else that annoyed me initially is the basis of this story or even that relevant. The unaffiliated people who made up the march are the ones who deserved to be heard, not the people who brought their own sound equipment.

Onlookers were smiling and taking pictures they will hopefully share. They were amazed. The people marching were energized by this and it truly felt like there was communication between the onlookers and the marchers even if rarely between individuals. I was disenchanted when I first arrived at the march. It felt more like a festival than a protest. But the kind people I met throughout the day made that cynicism quickly fade.

Will the new government change its climate policy because upwards of 8000 people walked around for a few hours? Not likely. Did hundreds, if not more, look on in wonder at this procession in a way that hopefully showed a sense of solidarity to people from around the world? Yes. That is why these marches in international capitals can be so influential. It is not just the native and local population that sees these protests but tourists from all over the world I spoke with were happy to see so many out for the cause.

This was truly uplifting. Regardless of anything else, Saturday belonged to the majority of the people there without an ulterior motive, to make the planet a little bit better and inspire others to join the cause.

Here is a carbon footprint calculator. If you’re interested in making small changes that help the earth look into your impact and ways to reduce it. And look out for the peoples climate march next year as well as other ecological and social demonstrations coming up this year around the country.

May the 5th: Bevrijdingsdag (Liberation Day) in the Netherlands

Every year on May 5th, the Dutch celebrate the freedom that they live in. Named Bevrijdingsdag (‘Liberation Day’), the date marks the end of the Nazi occupation of The Netherlands in 1945, now seventy years ago. The end of World War II and the following decades of political and social change in Europe and the rest of the world resulted in the freedom that we now have: a freedom wherein people are free to act and think and express themselves as they want to.

It is difficult, if not impossible, for those of us who have never experienced war and oppression first-hand to truly understand how special this freedom is. When it comes to the horrors of war, the vast majority of this country is all theory and no practice. Especially now that the amount of people who have experienced World War II is rapidly shrinking, it is important to emphasize how privileged we are. As the saying goes: “Freedom is not free.”

source : Manop/flickr

So how they the Dutch make an effort to keep the past alive? It should go without saying that there will be festivals in all major cities. But Bevrijdingsdag is not just a matter of people getting free entertainment: there are also projects that will actively involve the new generation. And yesterday’s 4th of May remembrance, with young people reading and telling about the deeds of their elders in the war, showed us that too can be powerful.

The German ultimatum ordering the Dutch commander of Rotterdam to cease fire was delivered to him at 10:30 a.m. on May 14, 1940. At 1:22 p.m., German bombers set the whole inner city of Rotterdam ablaze, killing 30,000 of its inhabitants. (OWI) NARA FILE #: 208-PR-10L-3 WAR & CONFLICT BOOK #: 1334
Rotterdam after the Nazi incendiary bombardment. source

Of course there’s enough cynicism to go around: for a lot of us, May 5th is just about getting a day off from work every five years and going to free concerts. Every year again, there is also the discussion about how and who we commemorate on May 4th, Dodenherdenking (‘Remembrance of the Dead’). We at DutchReview certainly have been critical of the way in which we deal with the past. And this year there was the issue of whether it was okay to remember the refugees of war in Amsterdam on the 4th of May.
Canadian liberators rolling into Leiden:

Still, there is no question here that we all agree on the importance of paying respect to those who lost their lives because of tyranny. No matter if we disagree about politics or ethics, we all want to keep and share the good life that we can have here.

As always, looking back into the past makes us think about where we are today and where we might be tomorrow. The wealth and freedom that we have in the West makes it tempting to think that we are ‘done’, as if we are “living in the holidays of history”.

The Liberation of Eindhoven
The Liberation of Eindhoven

The challenges that freedom faces today come in many forms: whether it’s violation of human rights by governments, social and political unrest in Eastern-Europe and the Middle-East, or concerns over privacy and equality. Though the world sometimes seems like a terrible place, fact is that violence is at an all-time low. It’s our job to make sure that this trend continues, and for that reason, every year we will honor the dead on May 4th and celebrate our freedom on May 5th.

Be sure to check out all the events happening on Liberation Day in the Netherlands, because there are quite a few! How are you going spend the day? Let us know in the comments below!

Feat Image Source: Remco Platjes/wikipedia

Have You Heard Of The Iceman Wim Hof?

The Iceman Cometh

No, we’re not talking about some abominable snowmen or an ice summoning superhero straight out of a comic book. We’re talking about 57-year-old Dutchmen Wim Hof, born in Limburg, Netherlands, whose incredible ability to withstand the extreme temperatures has made him famous worldwide. Haven’t heard of him yet? Let me give you a brief rundown on his modest *cough* achievements so far.

Wim Hof in ice bath
“Ice? more like nice…”. Wim Hof (Note: May not be an actual quote from Wim Hof). Image: Aad Villerius/Wikimedia Commons/CC2.0 

Wim Hof’s Achievements

  • In 2007, he climbed past the “death zone” altitude on Mount Everest (~7,500 metres) wearing NOTHING BUT FREAKING SHORTS!
  • In 2009, Hof completed a full marathon above the polar circle in Finland, in temperatures close to −20 °C (−4 °F). The man was dressed in nothing but shorts and finished in 5 hours and 25 minutes (still over 3 hours more than the world record, but I guess he can be excused because IT WAS IN THE MOTHERLICKING ARCTIC CIRCLE AND HE WAS ONLY WEARING SHORTS).
  • Hof holds the current Guinness World Record for the longest ice bath, now set at 1 hour 53 minutes and 12 seconds. Bet you feel a little ashamed for squealing like a trapped pig last time the hot water ran out while you were taking a shower now don’t you? I know I do.

More Of Wim Hof’s Feats

But hey, if you’re not the type of person to be so easily swayed into blind admiration by a few modest *louder cough* feats of 100% certifiable and undeniable superhuman resilience, then feel free to read on…

  • In 2011, he ran a full marathon in the Namib Desert without water. The run was performed under the supervision of Dr. Thijs Eijsvogels. Again… he ran a full marathon in the desert, where’s the no water… without water.
  • Wim can run at altitude without suffering from the effects of altitude sickness. Now read that sentence back to yourself.
  • In the same year, he was injected with toxins under medical supervision and demonstrated that he could effectively control his autonomic immune response. Wim was able to raise his cortisol levels and lower his blood concentrations of cytokines (inflammatory mediators) using solely his meditation and prep techniques.

Want To Know More About Wim Hof?

A recent study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America also claims that by consciously hyperventilating, Wim can increase his heart rate, adrenaline levels, and blood alkalinity. He’s also believed to possess much higher levels of brown adipose tissue, which aids in cold resistance. In short, the blokes pretty much an exception to the rule that extreme cold will deliver hypothermia; extreme heat leads to dehydration; AND BEING INJECTED WITH DEADLY PATHOGENS STRAIGHT INTO YOUR MOTHERFUCKING BLOODSTREAM WILL KILL YOU!

Mind equals boggled. Even more boggled than the fact he’s only got 141,000 followers on Instagram. The Rock has 84 million. Sure he can ad-lib a one liner like a boss, but let’s be honest, who’s more impressive? Geez, society…

This man deserves another article, or at the very least a TED talk. If you want to learn more about this master of metaphysiology and modern medical anomaly, stay tuned for part 2 coming next month (or just Google him maybe).

Feature Image: Aad Villerius/Wikimedia Commons/CC2.0 

Dutch Journalists face more threats and pressure then ever before


Research by the Netherlands Association of Journalists (NVJ) is set to publish research on Wednesday (World Press Freedom Day) that will show exact numbers on threats and intimidation that Dutch journalists have faced recently and the growth compared to the previous survey, eight years ago.

But from what data has been published it doesn’t look great, even for a press freedom bulwark like the Netherlands, in a global rise of oppression against open, independent journalism.
Threats include direct physical confrontations but also threats via social media, having become common place for Dutch journalists to receive streams of threats via Twitter and Facebook when writing about ‘controversial topics’, including death threats and threats against their families. Three in five journalists report having been threatened or intimidated at some point, one in five reports being threatened at least once a month. Including detailed descriptions of what’s going to happen to them.

Erdogan vs. Rutte: The proverbial Pressure Cooker.

Some of the most ‘threatening’ cases surround reports on Turkey’s President Erdogan – sparking great controversy when Turkish youth openly threatened and obstructed journalists on live TV during last years rally in Rotterdam regarding the failed coup. The Dutch Prime Minister, Mark Rutte, later responded on a television interview of the show Zomergasten that it was time for those who didn’t want to accept Dutch rights and freedoms to “Bugger off”. Much upheaval followed but Rutte stood steadfast in his statement, both to much criticism and praise. Dutch-Turkish columnist Ebru Umar even spent some time under arrest in Turkey for her criticisms. The diplomatic riot between the Netherlands and Turkey regarding the visiting of Turkish ministers to promote the Turkish referendum proved to be the most explosive of all.

Dutch journalists and the elections: From Wilders to Refugees.

Dutch journalists
Geert Wilders at a German Pegida-event. ©2015 – Metropolico.org/Flickr

But there was also much to worry about regarding the Dutch political climate itself, with elections earlier this year and the campaigns at full throttle – many ‘enthusiastic supporters’ went into overdrive and sought out journalists and press agencies that criticized Geert Wilders or were accused of propagandizing ‘Leftist party ideals’. Reports on refugees and asylum seekers were also reason for heated situations, as many accused the press of holding back the true facts of crime and terrorism regarding the influx of predominantly muslim refugees.

Altogether it appears much has changed surrounding the press climate in the Netherlands, objectivity is no longer seen as a virtue or an obligation but as a weakness or automatically belonging to ‘the opposing side’. The researchers fear that press freedom may be under pressure in the Netherlands, with some Dutch journalists even going as far as skipping certain topics in order to avoid the consequences.

The Pressure is on, Globally.

President Trump aboard Air Force One talking to the press.

Internationally however it appears that the country is still doing well, countries like Britain and the United States have slipped on the lists of Press Freedom – especially after Brexit and President Trump ushered in media wars against objective, independent journalism and fake news began taking viral forms.
The Netherlands has been relatively save from media wars and fake news is contained to few subjects, such as Turkey and Russia, but having moderate effect outside of its immediate intended circle.

Here at DutchReview, especially the news section, we hope that you will support free press and open debate over intimidation and harassment or propaganda and fake news. We are all dependent on the hard work of those who seek the truth, not those who shape the truth, but as things are getting tougher we will all have to stand up. The Netherlands has earned its reputation as free and independent with hard work and effort – will you stand with us?

You Might Be Dutch If You…


Admit it, non-Dutchies, most of us have wanted to be Dutch, even a little bit, especially if we just have plain old (pick your country) DNA. I mean, come on! Tulips, windmills, a beautiful gene pool, happy people, and the big one – freedom to tell it like it is. Living outside the Netherlands, I enjoy the daydream that I might be Dutch. Once in a while I break out the family tree to look for a Dutch uncle swimming upstream in the gene pool.

There are many “warning symptoms” that indicate you are headed for permanent Dutchness. So if you long to be Dutch or if you see others with these symptoms, take corrective action immediately or find yourself craving a one way plane ticket to Amsterdam. Don’t expect help from a Dutchie, they may just laugh at you and say “Sterkte!” Whether you live outside the Netherlands or as an expat in the country, I have put together a list that will tell you that “You Might Be Dutch If You…


…consider hagelslag on bread or mayonnaise a food group.

Fries and mayo!

…find yourself eating everything with fork in left hand and knife in right (except raw herring).

…visit a coffee shop to slow down, not to speed up.


…on your wife’s birthday, you take her to an expensive restaurant and “go Dutch”. (In the USA this is called “Divorce”).

…for some unknown reason you feel obligated to tell the truth when your girlfriend asks, “Do these pants make my butt look big?” (In the USA this is called “Not getting lucky for a month”).

…you begin to sugarcoat all your food and none of your words.


…wake up to discover you own 17 cats in your apartment, all piled up in the window blocking the three days of spring sun.

…find yourself adopting every stray dog that pees in your yard.

Rescuing a little pisser

…have an obsession to join the “Party for the Animals” (which is often mistaken in the USA as joining a college fraternity).


…decide to take a short bike ride before lunch from Leiden to Poland and back.

…get the three kids home with groceries, and unload the bicycle.

But four people on a bike and groceries? No problem! (Source: Reddit/Imgur)

…take a bike ride and have to get off and push it up any small incline. Who put this mountain here? Our world is flat!



…don’t ask if it will rain, but ask whether the sun will ever come out.

…find yourself constructing a windmill in your yard from scrap lumber.

Had to do it – obsessed by the Dutch

…insert “OO”, “AA”, random “J’s” or three vowels in a row in your name.



…you join a group that believes the world is flat (well, it is in NL) and they all wear orange shirts and wooden Nike’s.

Amsterdam Nikes

…someone pisses you off so you flip them off and wish them “The Cancer”.

…words come out of your mouth like jazeker, lekker or ja hoor.

So cheer up! If you have some of these symptoms you might just have some of that beautiful Dutch DNA!

5 Tips 4 Bevrijdingsdag


On the 4th of May we commemorate all those have died in the war, which leads to plenty of discussion on who is worth commemorating, what war should be commemorated, and how we can learn from our past.

The 5th of May we celebrate the freedom we have or the freedom ‘ we think we have’ since this century is shaping up to meet different challenges with ‘drones’ replacing traditional warfare, a war on terrorism revealing that herd mentality (allowing the second world war atrocities) is still very much alive, democracies turning into thinly veiled oligarchies, and part of the world moving into the cloud with net neutrality and copyright front and centre.

What does freedom mean in this age? These days we NEED to celebrate. We NEED to think what freedom means to us. We NEED to think about warfare. We NEED to keep thinking about ridding this world of fights over resources where still so many of us are killed, raped, maimed, betrayed, traumatised and have to fight for their survival. We NEED to keep looking to creating a sustainable environment where we can all live peacefully.

How do we do this? By commemorating and celebrating. By giving our attention to it, by discussing it, by listening, reading, and watching stories showcasing the suffering that humans have had to experience and to look beyond the borders of our own meager existence and connect to individuals, minorities, populations, and countries that may not be able to enjoy peace and freedom in their desired way.

 4th of May: Commemorate together.

The Commemoration at Dam Square in Amsterdam.

At 20:00 we will uphold 2 minutes of silence to perform introspection and to meditate on the people who have been suffering in the war. Although this started as a reflection on Second World War victims, I do not think there is an embargo on suffering (although I might have to check the register). So reflect on victims of war, terror, occupation, or repression the way you want to.

Just don’t start screaming all of a sudden because then you can create full out crowd freak outs like this.

Everywhere in Holland there are places to commemorate with speeches and talks. This is mostly in Dutch so you will have to be able to understand some of it if you want to enjoy it. But it can still be a special experience connecting to each other in silence and having a mutual attempt at sympathy for those who have suffered.

The commemoration on Dam Square is also televised and will be attended by the royal family. You can see where commemorations will be held over here.

This year, and for the coming few years, the theme is ‘Vrijheid geef je door’ (“You pass freedom onward’) to give you a little context.


5th of May: Nation-wide Music Festivals

The 5th of May is celebrated throughout the country with organised concerts in several cities.

Screen Shot 2014-05-04 at 5.02.04 PM
Plenty of fun performance @ http://www.bevrijdingsfestivals.nl/festivals

This year the musical ambassadors for 5th of May are De Jeugd van Tegenwoordig and De Staat. They will be flown around in helicopters to make their appointments. 

De Jeugd van Tegenwoordig: with their catchy Dutch classic ‘Watskebeurt’, which kicked them to national stardom back in . 


[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjER3EX948w[/embedyt] 

5th of May: Military Parade in Wageningen

On the 5th of May, 1945, Canadian General Charles Foulkes signed the peace treaty that officially ended the Second World War in the Netherlands. As it happens, he signed the treaty in Hotel De Wereld in the center of Wageningen, which is why the city happens to be a central location for Liberation Day celebrations each year.

Besides hosting one of the nation’s larger festivals (almost the entire city center is transformed into a festival ground), the city also hosts the national military parade. Most of the units that march are veterans, although there are some exceptions to this. In any case, it’s a pretty cool experience if you happen to be nearby with a ton of oldschool military vehicles on display as well. It’s definitely well paired with the many musical acts, food stands, and general festivities that the city has to offer on the 5th of May.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=henI5SDWvxA[/embedyt]

If you want a small glimpse, it looks a bit like this.

5th of May : Amstel Concert by Royal Carré Theatre

If you like the reflective/classical/philharmonic approach this is the place to be. Every year Bevrijdingsdag is closed off with a royal concert that is free and accessible to everyone. It is held in Amsterdam in front of the Royal Carré Theatre showing of a mix of classical music, songs and poetry and looks like this.

That and the king and queen are always present, so then you know the one musician who plays a false note will be axed Caesar style. TGC-Thumbs-down-300x140

It’s always a happening so if you are into the reflective nature of the program, go! It starts at 20.30. You can also watch this at home and follow the concert on NPO 1, which you can watch on TV or online for free.

5th of May: Play the game Duifkopter

And because our lovely 4th and 5th May commission is very hipster we now also have a game to help us commemorate. The jury is still out on if this will be a hit or miss. But it’s looks cute.

Although I’m wondering how much awareness about suffering will be attained aside from winning nice quotes about freedom if you keep playing the game…

Well have a blast and let me know if you got any new insights about freedom!!!!

And remember: You betta REFLECT!



A Day at the Tropenmuseum in Amsterdam

In the middle of east Amsterdam, right next to Oosterpark, stands the Tropenmuseum. At first glance, it is not so easy to define the museum, and there isn’t even an English translation for the name, but that’s why we’re here. While the literal translation of the name would be “Tropical Museum”, the museum is actually much more.

In essence, it’s a museum about world cultures, aiming to display various universal themes like religion, conflict, mourning, and celebration. It does this by allowing the museum’s objects to tell stories. Bit by bit, the objects tell a story of humanity and thereby make clear the immense cultural diversity that our world is rich in.

Although we spent quite some time in the Eastward-Bound set of exhibitions, which focused primarily on art, culture and colonialism, we were able to complete a tour of the whole venue in a bit under two hours. In other words, it’s easy to fit into an Amsterdam daytrip, and it’s certainly worth checking out.

The Tropenmuseum is right on the edge of Oosterpark.

The imposing main hall

Upon entering, we snagged our tickets at the entrance, then strolled up the stairs and immediately into the grand hall that makes up the central section of the museum. Its massive open space, with arches looking into each of the different exhibition halls, immediately creates both a sense of awe and hominess. It’s like walking into a warm hug of cultural goodness. There’s even a small wing for children called the Tropenmuseum Junior, which opened in early 1970s.

So large, and yet so homey.
The gift shop is also definitely worth a visit.

So what’s there to see?

We started by exploring the first floor, which played host to most of the permanent exhibitions. The Tropenmuseum has quite a number of permanent shows, although the museum’s format will soon be changing to accommodate more thematic temporary exhibitions. Exhibitions on South-East AsiaNew Guinea, and The Dutch East Indies will remain for now, though, so make sure to check them out soon.

Some excellent artworks are present

The Tropenmuseum does an excellent job of illustrating and explaining the immense blending process of cultural influence across the world. Although there is a clear focus on the connection between the Netherlands and in particular its former colonial territory, the scope of the exhibition does cover a vast portion of the globe. From transporting slaves to Suriname to the collection of exotic curiosities by rich colonials to the use of symbolism in Asian religions, there’s quite a variety of knowledge to explore.

The Temporary Exhibitions

Where normally museums have 1, tops 2, temporary exhibitions going on the Tropenmuseum can boast a nice 4 (!) exhibitions at this moment. So what is there on display right now?

Rhythm & Roots explores the evolution of music from Blues to Hip Hop and everything in between. Very tastefully done and some great album covers to be found there.

Got rhythm?

ZieZo Marokko in Tropenmuseum Junior is designed especially for children. It’s all about Morocco (obviously), giving an active introduction to the nation’s mosaics, fashion, and even food! It’s opened every weekend and daily during the school vacations. The exhibit includes ‘trips’ for children (age 6-13) and for families (all ages). These trips leave at set times, so if you want to check it out, make sure to go to www.tropenmuseumjunior.nl beforehand.

Body Art, on the other hand, shows the decorative use of body alternations. It just opened recently and there were some really cool (albeit sometimes extreme) body alterations.

From piercings to body paint to neck extensions, it’s all there.

Lastly, another recent addition, is the temporary exhibition Aleppo. Particularly tailored for our day and age, Aleppo hopes to bring a new view onto the ancient city turned war zone. Or rather, bring back an older view. Recent events have led Aleppo to be largely portrayed in the media as little more than a war zone, but this exhibition hopes to change that. The Tropenmuseum will even be having former Aleppo residents give guided tours of the exhibition to help achieve this goal.

Guided tours from former residents, want more could you want?

Aleppo is thousands of years old, one of the oldest cities in the world, having been settled some time around 5000 BCE. It was also, until the recent conflict, the most populated city in Syria. Hundreds of thousands of citizens have since left, a number of which have made their way to the Netherlands.

It seems the conflict has caused Aleppo’s historical and cultural importance to be forgotten and the Tropenmuseum’s exhibition Aleppo aims to show that the city is much more than just war. Even though we were toured the exhibition without an Aleppo resident as guide, it still told an incredible story. One that is definitely worth seeing.

An incredible story told through breathtaking photos.

History of the Tropenmuseum

The museum was first established as the Colonial Museum which opened to the public in 1871. Originally it existed to show the Dutch in the motherland what colonies and properties they held overseas. Simultaneously it also operated as a research facility where the main goal was to maximize colonial profits. New methods to grow crops like paraffin, coffee beans, and rattan, for example, were all tested there. Further research delved into ethnology, studying the cultures and customs of the colonial territories.

Although World War I delayed its completion, in 1926 the museum moved to its current home, a beautiful building that was officially listed as a historical building in 2003. It has since changed its name to the Tropenmuseum alongside its shift towards a more ethnographic and culturally inclusive goal.

Plenty of info about the colonial history of the Dutch East Indies

How do I get there?

Want to visit? The Tropenmuseum is open weekly on Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00-17:00 and, during school vacations, on Mondays as well. If you’re coming from Central Station, you can take tram 9 and get off at 1e Van Swindenstraat. If not, the tram 3, 14, 10, and 7 will also get you there. Of course, if you’re biking, the address is Linnaeusstraat 2, right next to Oosterpark. For all other routes, go to the website to see the details.

Address: Linnaeusstraat 2, 1092 CK Amsterdam

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Ajax Fly the Dutch Tricolor in Europe


With the Rotterdam giants four points clear with two games remaining, it’s almost certain that Ajax will miss out on the title for the third season in a row. At least this year it won’t be quite as spectacular as last season when they lost out to PSV after failing to beat De Graafschap on the final day (no disrespect, guys).

Feyenoord have consistently been the best team this year and I can already hear fans in the packed town centre doing their best impression of their brothers from Liverpool. This year’s celebrations look likely to imitate those of the 1999 title win.  In 2002, on the other hand, celebrations of the club’s UEFA Cup win were muted out of respect to the late Pim Fortuyn.

Liverpool fans are famous for their rendition of ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’

The Godenzonen’s failure domestically may be due to their success in Europe. Ajax will welcome Lyon to the Amsterdam ArenA in the Europa League semi-final on May 3rd. They will be hoping to progress onto the final and win their first European title since 1995; a first for a Dutch club since Feyenoord won the then UEFA Cup in 2002.

An Ajax win could be huge for Dutch football. But why?

At the time of Ajax’s last European success, Dutch football was about to peak. That team was filled with the now legends of Kluivert, Seedorf, Davids and the like (Seriously… LEGENDS). The big boys of Europe came calling in the late 90s; namely Barcelona, who admired and developed the philosophies of Dutch football under the tutelage of Johan Cruyff.

Success in Europe continued into the 21st Century with Feyenoord’s success and PSV reaching the Champion’s League semi-finals in 2005. However, the last decade has been barren.

The simple truth is that Eredivisie clubs can’t compete financially. This is exemplified by the KNVB issuing warnings last year to six clubs to get their finances in order. The league doesn’t generate the same level of revenue from television deals as, say, the Premier League who saw the opportunity to make money and reformed in the early 90s. Nor do the clubs attract the same level of investment from abroad.

This is compounded by the drain of talent to bigger foreign clubs. Academy players are often signed before even making their first team debuts. You obviously all know who Tahith Chong is, right? He transferred from Feyenoord to Manchester United last Summer at the age of 16. If young players do make it into the first team they are often plucked after a few seasons.

Former PSV and current Roma midfielder Kevin Strootman

Memphis Depay? Marco van Ginkel? Zlatan Ibrahimovic? Kevin Strootman? Georginio WIjnaldum? These are players Dutch clubs would have built their teams around given the chance, but the finances of the transfers like these mean that they  have to sell in order to reinvest in the first team squad and other areas of the club.

So where do Ajax come in?

Behind their European success is a very young squad. When they beat Schalke in the quarter-final in Amsterdam the average age was 22!

Teenagers Dolberg, De Ligt and Kluivert, the son of club legend Patrick, have emerged this season. There is a ‘Golden Generation 2.0’ in the making and the real challenge will be keeping hold of them. Dolberg is already being touted for a transfer having scored 14 league goals.

The potential €8m Europa League prize money would go a long way too in helping to resist the overtures of foreign clubs. Keeping the squad together gives the club an opportunity for growth. Success in Europe would help convince young players to stay at the club, and may attract players from elsewhere to sign on.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iX6cOA3kcvI[/embedyt]

What fans of Dutch football in general will be hoping is that a domino effect will occur; leading to the increase of the Eredivisie in general. For example, Ajax may have to loan higher quality players out to other domestic clubs to gain first-team experience. PSV and Feyenoord would need to stay on their toes in order to stay competitive.

The superstitious among you may think Ajax have found a simpler winning formula; a Kluivert in the squad. Fingers crossed.

The baby-faced assassin: Kasper Dolberg



National security in the Netherlands: are the Dutch concerned?


The Dutch aren’t generally a people easily overcome by fear, they’re usually quite stable and set in their ways, but new numbers do show an increase in the small country’s worries. War, terrorism and refugee influx are on the minds of the locals.

According to the National Freedom Survey 2017, fear of terrorism is at its highest level since 2002 – a year after the WTC attacks of 9/11 and the outbreak of the Afghanistan War.

With terrorist attacks in recent years in Germany, Belgium, France and the UK as well as others, Holland finds itself geographically close to all these incidents, while also being subjected to some on home ground.

Police, military and the intelligence services are working around the clock to prevent anything from happening and, after severely neglecting its military for decades, the new “Government in Formation” will most likely increase defence expenditures.

Though the Netherlands has seen its share of terrorism, including extremist Islam, it has to be noted that “radicalisation” in the country is much less than in countries like France and Belgium where sensitive youth disconnected decades ago and have grown their own, near separate, societies. Nonetheless, 6 out of 10 respondents indicated worries about terrorism being a threat to the country.

URUZGAN, Afghanistan– Dutch gun trucks from 2nd Platoon, E-company, Battle Group-7, Aug. 19, 2008.

The Spy and the Soldier

As the report finds 4 out of 10 respondents also worry about the prospect of war and military escalation, an increase of one point compared to last year. Worries in particular focus on Russian activity in Eastern-Europe and near NATO-borders. Escalation could trigger NATO-protocol, if one member is attacked all must act. With Russia intensifying pressure on Baltic countries and hacking attempts into Dutch systems, fear is logically rising.

The Dutch also have reason to worry for further escalation in the Middle-East, the destabilisation of Iraq and Syria could effect Turkey and as such find confrontation at the very doorstep of Europe. As recently shown, Afghanistan too appears to struggle to fight off the Taliban – all are conflicts in which the Dutch military played a role and may again in the future.

A Safe Haven

But there’s good news too, while in many other nations hostility and fears are rising towards refugees, the Dutch have seen a significant decrease in worries regarding asylum seekers. From nearly half of the respondents of last year’s inquiry regarding the new comers, numbers dropped significantly to merely a third. So far it appears that refugee-related problems are within the boundaries of reason and no major incidents have taken place yet.

As it appears the Dutch are following a global, or at least regional trend, of increasing worries about terrorism and war but are going against the stream regarding their views on refugees. In the end the numbers are merely a quick representation done through a survey, but they are indicative of what the Dutch would like to see improved – their overall sense of security and stability.

But for now there’s no real reason to be afraid, so far there have been no real incidents as of late, even the incredibly tragic MH-17 air crash disaster is nearly three years ago, and security services seem to be fairly well on top of their game.

So should you worry when the sirens go off? Well – if it’s 12 in the morning on the first Monday of the month, no. If it goes off at any other time, yes, but it will still be highly unlikely that terrorists or Russians have made a move against the Netherlands. Most likely authorities are worried about a nearby industrial accident and warning people in advance. When push comes to shove, despite our worries, Holland is as save as it gets. And that’s exactly how we like it.

If you’ve been here for a while, surely you’ve been woken up by one of these wailing poles.

Meetings at Sea – Why having a businessmeeting on the beach is always better

If you’ll get a dictionary and look up non-inspiring then there’s a good chance you’ll find a picture of that boring grey office you’ll work in. And inspiration is not going to happen when you meet up at the same place you’ve been sitting at already 40 hours per week. So what could be more inspiring than the beach? So mail your secretary to arrange a day at your fave beachtown Scheveningen and escape the regular dreaded office!

What’s on the menu when it comes to mixing pleasure with business in Scheveningen?

‘Bedrijfsuitje’ at the Beach – Surfing!

A great company outing, even in the country where the sun doesn’t always shine, is surfing! And you might think; ‘jeeh DutchReview, nobody here can surf’. Well, that’s just the good thing about all of it. Since you can all learn together how to hit those waves (and with any luck you’ll see that nasty manager crashing right in to them).

Hart beach in Scheveningen is a near-legendary place to pick up the cool trade of Surfing. They’ll help you to a board and a wet-suit (you’ll want those 90% of the time). Hart Beach has like kind of this little surfer-village thing going on which is totally awesome, and less awesome but more welcome when with co-workers are the very nicely done showers and dressing rooms. Even more important than surfing and good vibes is the possibility to have a great BBQ or such after (because a tiny bit of boozing and business are even better on the beach).


Board the Minerva for better brainstorming

Want a change of setting from the regular meeting room? all aboard the White three-master Minerva which has Scheveningen as the home town. It can receive up to 120 guests if you want to take it sailing, after docking it can play the host for 175 people.


You can have dinner on the deck like a king, or cus at each other about business strategies in a nice maritime setting. Have a look here for more info.



Nothing gets you those much needed summer vibes more than enjoying sports at the beach. The Hague Beach Stadium is an unique place to play some serious sports with the team. Of course often used with beachvolleyball the stadium (and the folks behind it) can also play host to tons of other sporting events.

Afterwards there’s of course the opportunity to eat, drink and mingle at SC Rootz. For more info on all of this check out their website.

Working at Sea – office at the Pier

Perhaps you don’t even have a typical office to complain about, or you’re getting tired of working in that same old hipster coffeeshop? The icon of Scheveningen, the Pier, offers you an interesting alternative! Starting at 225 euro per month you can have a working spot with a view at the sea.

Not only ensuring tranquilizing views but also making sure that you’ve got the perfect spot to impress any of your clients. The Pier offices is open for independent professionals and small scale organisations, there’s also a meeting room, supermegafast internet and a terrace with sea views. More info on all of this right here.


North Sea Regatta 2017: Sailor’s Club

Yes! The North Sea Regatta week is coming up 🙂 A great week of sailing and racing at Scheveningens shores. It’s totally possible to join in at the fun and participate in one of the races with your co-workers, businessrelations or just your friends and family. 

By Sander van der Borch.
By Sander van der Borch.
Every year the sailing contest ‘North Sea Regatta’ produces just the best scenic pics of Scheveningen and the North Sea (by @northsearegatta)

You and your guests will be able to watch the best part of the races from a superfast RIB boat. When getting back to shore after the race there’s eating, drinking and entertainment waiting for you. There are plenty of packages to suit all your needs, aptly called the ‘Sailor’s Club’, more info to be found here