Outraged Dutch farmers block supermarket distribution centres in protest

Once again, Dutch farmers have set out to protest the government’s nitrogen policy. 🚜

Plans to cut down nitrogen levels in the Netherlands have a long history of bringing Dutch farmers to the streets. Just recently, 20,000 to 30,000 farmers participated in a huge protest that caused widespread traffic disruptions on Dutch highways.

Today, farmers are blocking supermarket distribution centres, airport routes and ferries to raise awareness of the impact of the nitrogen policy on the agricultural sector. ✊

Disrupting food supply

Farmers are blocking food distribution centres of major supermarkets in the Netherlands like Jumbo, Lidl, and Albert Heijn, reports the NOS.

In the case of Lidl, three distribution centres all over the country are currently blocked. Supermarket giant Albert Heijn lets customers know that those who ordered their groceries online will have to wait on their orders due to the protests.

However, this isn’t the only form of disruption the farmers have brought. Farmers blocked ambulances, set fires, and even stormed the Nitrogen and Nature Minister’s home.

Solidarity from fishermen

In support of the farmers protests, fishermen have also come together to block the harbour of Den Helder.

That means that there is currently no ferry available to transport visitors from the Dutch mainland to the popular island Texel, says the NOS. A similar protest is blocking the harbour in Lauwersoog and Ijmuiden.

Have you seen the farmer’s protests in the Netherlands? What do you think of their cause? Tell us in the comments below!

Feature Image:Depositphotos
Cara Räker 🇩🇪
Cara Räker 🇩🇪
Cara moved to the Netherlands at fifteen and she is here to stay! After all, there is so much to love about it, except maybe the bread (as every German will tell you). Next to finishing up her bachelor's degree in European politics (dry), Cara loves to do yoga, swim, and cook delicious veggie food.


  1. What’s truly disgusting about the farmers’ protest is the way they are portrayed as some kind of rubes who have no idea what they’re doing and will destroy the environment and everyone living on planet earth. Farmers are not stupid! It doesn’t matter if they are just a one person farm or a corporation none are so stupid as to spread on tons and tons of fertilizer just for the sake of doing so. The farmers, who actually grow the food that we eat for lunch and dinner, are doing what they think is best otherwise they wouldn’t be doing it.

    If the climate change chicken littles keep pressuring The government to issue more and more restrictive regulations it’s going to get to the point there won’t be Anyone to grow our food.

  2. totally agree. if they want bring about long term change, any govt around the world must get the stakeholders engagement. Without that, this will turn into an ugly scenario.

  3. The Green New Deal is a disaster. Western Europe and the US governments are destroying our economies, industry, food supply and social order. Our own governments are causing life threatening harm and far more damage than the Russians ever could have dreamed of doing. Destroying Dutch agriculture is insanity.

  4. Very well said! Our dictator and spineless Turdeau is an example of the WEF and climate lunacy. When only the very can eat eat they will be happy.

  5. I for one am so glad that dutch gvmt is finally acknowledging the real situation: this farming model is long overdue and it’s one of the sectors that needs to drastically change if we want to reach climate goals. Horrible truth. The later we start implementing these sector overhauls, the more difficult it will become.

    • Hopefully the farmers can arrange to serve food to those who support them and no food to those who support the government on this one. That seems like a fair way to distribute the burden of this forced mandate.

  6. Sick and tired of their whining and selfish anticlimate propoganda. These actions don’t get them more support and only show their deluded entitlement.

  7. My ancestors were Dutch farmers. Political types seem to think that food comes from a grocery store and not a farm.

  8. The Dutch Agro industry is one of the most efficient in the world. It’s advanced concepts and technology are an example for the world to produce food with reduced carbon imprint. The Dutch government is not in tune with the reality, constantly changing the parameters for the farmers. It looks they want to break the agricultural sector. We have seen what happens when you become too reliable on outside sources being it food or energy.

  9. What you forget to mention is that the Dutch farmers already did way more than any other farmer in the EU. The reduction asked is a joke and those models are not realistic, based on test fields of 1x1m2, 10×10 cm and even done in containers, plant pots!
    Without farmers there’s no food so I support them.


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