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Sailing in Scheveningen: The North Sea Regatta is coming up!

Looking for something to do with this upcoming heatwave? The North Sea Regatta in Scheveningen might be just the boating and beach thing you’ll want to see this weekend!

The North Sea Regatta is the main event of the year for competitive Dutch sailors. For four days, the sea is conquered by billowing sails as some 350 boats hit the waters at the coast of Scheveningen. Spectators watch from the beaches and even from dinghies in the water as the Dutch winds whip the racers back and forth through the North Sea.

Of course, it’s not all just about sailing. After the races, there’s plenty of food, drink, and music to be enjoyed throughout the restaurants and bars in Holland’s most famous beachtown. (Everybody knows the difference between a good and great evening is a brilliant after-party, so don’t miss out!)

By Meindert Zeeders

What exactly is the North Sea Regatta?

If you don’t know what a regatta is, then now would be a good moment to look it up quickly, because the North Sea Regatta is THE Dutch regatta. In a nutshell it is, very simply, the year’s biggest spectacle of sailing races and fun. During the Pentecost weekend (that’s Pinksteren in English for all you Dutchies currently scratching your heads in confusion), Scheveningen’s harbour becomes the heart of all Dutch sailing as the North Sea Regatta breaks out in all its glory.

Each year, the event attracts hundreds of sailors and thousands of fans from across the globe. Yachts of all sizes sail side by side, being shoved into the sea from sandy shores of Scheveningen (How’s that for alliteration?)

Pretty pictures aplenty there! (by Meindert Zeeders)

What races are taking place?

The regatta boasts 110 nautical miles of the so-called ‘Vuurschepenrace’ (which literally translates into ‘fireshiprace’, but you would have known about this one if it were actual burning ships racing one another), participants battle both each other and the elements as they push their vessels across the English Dutch Channel.

Vuurschip by Meindert Zeeders


Other events include the North Sea Race, an 180 nautical mile journey back to Scheveningen, and lane races along the beach side. Every day brings more shows, more parties, and more nautical goodness. Not to mention more boats. Don’t be surprised to see open boats, Olympic boats and yachts hit the waters to race around the buoys. 

Source: Royal Ocean Racing Club

You don’t even have to sail!

The North Sea Regatta is the Dutch sailors’ Mecca, but even if you don’t sail, there’s plenty of reason to go visit. Even if you’re never been on a boat, maybe you can even find a friendly soul to sail you. Young and old, sailors and landlubbers alike, the North Sea Regatta is for all. So if this sounds like something up your alley (or river), then come down to Scheveningen for a whole of seaside excitement. 


When does the North Sea Regatta start?

The whole program officially runs from the 26th of May until the 4th of June this year. That’s of course not packed with hardcore sailing contests every day. The whole program can be found here. The Vuurschepenrace is the opening race on 27 May. North Sea Race starts on Tuesday. And then from 2nd till 4th are the inshore races along the Dutch North Sea coast. The Worlds J22 starts one day earlier, on the first of June. 

Anything else going on in Scheveningen those days?

Besides the beach, Pier and all those beach clubs and such? Sure! 

Optimist on tour: from the 1st till the 3rd of June the little ones have a fine opportunity to pick up the sailing trade. Kids can get a try-out lesson, for free, in an ‘optimist’. Which is basically a little sailing ship.

English Mindful Run Course: don’t complain that there’s nothing going on for the sportive, mindful expat in The Hague and Scheveningen. Starting the 1st of June are running sessions where mileage and speed are not the goal, but enjoying the moment and personal physical and mental freedom is. More info on this English page right here.

Outdoor workouts: throughout The Hague and Scheveningen there are multiple places where one can workout (so-called Fitplaatsen). So no excuses for not working on that beach body! More info in Dutch here.


And last but certainly not least. The event ‘Pro Freestyle The Hague Beach 2017’ is happening in Scheveningen from the 2nd untill the 5th of June (yes, combine it with a visit to the NSR!). BMX’ing, rollerblading and the official World Cup skateboarding is held in the The Hague stadium. Looks like Scheveningen is indeed the place to be the first days of June!


And for once, the weather helps out as well! 🙂

Dear Manchester…

Dear Manchester,

It’s only been hours passed since it happened and surely, right now, confusion, anger and pain are getting the better of you. You don’t care about anything right now but the people that aren’t there anymore. Everybody understands that but we just want you to know that we are thinking of you.

Tomorrow, Wednesday, was supposed to be a celebration for the both of us – sure one was going to lose but we both made it to the finals. That was something, something great, something to be happy about.
And now all of that is gone in the blink of an eye because some person, if we can call them that, who’s mental confusion makes them believe their way is the only way decided to strap on a vest with a bomb in it and blow himself up in a building full of teenagers. Kids for crying out loud, who never saw it coming. There’s an empty darkness right now, a void, that can’t be filled with anything – we know that and nothing we can say can fix it. We want you to know we understand.

Amsterdam has escaped the recent wave of terrorist attacks so far, we’ve been lucky at that, but we’re fully aware that our time will probably – eventually – come too. But we’re not strangers to terrorism or events that rip your heart out. Every Dutchman remembers Summer 2014 when a plane full of our people, and dozens from other countries, was shot out of the sky by a missile over the Ukraine. Time stopped ticking completely. Everyone in the country sat in front of the TV, with a phone or laptop going through lists of names of people currently missing, in contact with friends and family on social media trying to figure out if there’s anybody we knew among them, or if there was anything we could do. Chances are, you’re doing that right now.
Many Mancunians have opened up their houses, their lives, to help wandering concert goers and their families – nothing but praise and admiration for that.

Tomorrow your Manchester United will be playing against Ajax in Stockholm. We hope, genuinely, that your team will be able to play strong, proud and with conviction – and that we’ll be able to best them by the same principles. But, should we lose to you, however hollow victory may be to you right now – we’d like you to know that you deserve it. You deserve every shred of pride, joy and happiness you can get at a time like this. As eager as we are to grab the title, and we’ll be devastated if we lose, under these circumstances, we’ll be happy it was to you.
Be strong Manchester, be proud, be brave – you have every reason to be.

We’ll see you tomorrow in a place called “Friends Arena”. Be certain , you have friends in us. You’re our kind of people, you’re our kind of town.

– From Amsterdam & Holland with love.

5 Reasons Swedes, and you, should support Ajax’ Europa League Final. (Or else!)

It’s almost happening – the finals of the Europa League between AFC Ajax and Manchester United in the Friends Arena in Stockholm, Sweden. Excitement is huge in the Netherlands, even in rival cities like Rotterdam, about a Dutch football team making it all the way to the top of European competitions – the pressure on the Amsterdam club is enormous to make it happen. But, can it? Well, the Dutch like to believe they can and we believe that with the power of the Swedes we can make it happen. You all can make it happen.
We see the Swedes as friends, since a long, long time and we are certain of your support but should you – for whatever reason – pick the wrong side, we’ve compiled a list to convince you otherwise.

#5 – We’ve mastered the art of Fake News.

It’s not just the Russians, or the American right-wing, who know how to spin a story – or just entirely fabricate one – and we know that Sweden’s image is precious. We respect that and we totally want to make sure the following news doesn’t make it out there.

Al-Sha-ABBA – Swedish Extremists abduct Willing Housewives.

STOCKHOLM – Sweden. Intelligence sources have confirmed that a small but hardened extremist group, known as Al-Sha-ABBA, has captured and abducted countless housewives, ranging ages early forties to mid-seventies, touring the globe with them. The women, mostly bored and tone deaf, have fallen prey to Al-Sha-ABBA’s musical propaganda to which they listen religiously. So far at least 150 women have been said to have abandoned their homes, their chores, and gluten-free diets to join the ranks of the extremist organization who’s battle cry “Mamma Mia!” can be heard in the many, many disturbing videos released that show the women and their captors ecstatically partying till the early hours of the evening and then going to bed early.
Many European intelligence and police agencies have expressed their worries and left behind husbands and teenage children express their heart breaking grievances. Swedish authorities however refuse to interveine before the tour is over, which could be as long as ten days, or until “They clean up their own mess and let mom play her own music in the car”, so said Petter McJerksson head of Sweden’s feared Cultural Police.”

#4: We are not afraid of taking Hostages.

Who doesn’t love Ikea? It’s like a zoo with furniture instead of animals and you get to put your kids into a cage filled with booger-covered rubber balls. What could be worse than a group of unidentified men in clogs, Dutch accents that smell like weed suddenly barging in and taking hostages? That’s right – we’ll take it that and far and take away the most precious things. We’ll list the hostages for you.

Björn (Desk Chair) in a relationship with Lilli (Desk Lamp), from Uppsala, Sweden.
Björn and Lilli met through mutual friend Ullskar (pen holder) and happy and content with their laminate wood-life and moderate price tags. They had much to look forward and fine with a fake, plastic laptop and non-functional keyboard for demonstration purposes up until taken against their will by armed men and forced to support a soccer club at gun point. Word has it Björn lost at least one wheel in the chaos and is currently unbalanced, Lilli is entirely without a lamp since the beginning of the violent events and completely in the dark.

Karl (Kitchen Towel), sibling to Malinda (Bath Mat) from Stockholm, Sweden.
Karl and Malinda  come from a proud family of cotton products that need to be regularly washed but aren’t,  coming in several shades of blue, grey and and some sort of green-blue-color that only women know the name of. Both have expressed their extreme terror at the hands of the violent men who, according to witnesses, left behind Karl & Malinda’s pet Gildurn (Soap Dispenser) unattended and may have knocked over their cousin Elsbet (some sort of Towel Rack) with blatant disregard.
Karl’s ego in particular has been stained by the men who do not wash their hands with soap after going to the toilet and Malinda expresses great fear of being violated by curly hair from less-public places. Gildurn, reportedly, is gravely upset and refusing to hold any soap.

#3:  75% tariff on Dildö: Ikea’s most profitable product.

Thought that was the worst we could do to Ikea, Sweden? Guess again! We know all about your secret success: “Dildö – the Dish Brush/Flash Light/Sex Toy-combination that is neither hygienic nor pleasurable”.
To be fair, we may be a tad jealous, even though Amsterdam is the XXX-capital of Europe, even we couldn’t come up with this one. And it stings.

Frankly, the ingenious dish brush that smells funny and lights up places that can’t be seen without an X-Ray and a Gynaecologist is totally amazing. Even though it doesn’t really clean the dishes that well and at least twenty-five women had to have it surgically removed, it is still an admirable step forward. Wouldn’t it be a shame if this huge financial success would suddenly be facing a 75% import tariff? Imagine how many women would be left unsatisfied and how much less intimate the plates would be smelling. This is something that could crush Ikea’s net income and reduce it to a second rank, Jysk. That’s right, we already have Danish support. Fear us.

#2:  Swedish “Meatballs”: We know your dirty secret. (You sick bastards)

This is it. If everything else fails, and we know you’re smart enough not to let it come to that, we have one absolute fail save option. We know the secret ingredient to Swedish Meatballs and we’ve been throwing up ever since. We’ve also done all the testing and it came back positive, you sick sons of…

Lets be straight up about this, we know. We know what you do to all the poor Danish that migrate to Sweden to find shelter from the cold, mean streets of Copenhagen and with all the drunk Finnish rally-drivers that keep racing through Göteborg’s public parks and the Norwegian fishermen that “supposedly” keep “mysteriously” disappearing off of the Swedish coast… You grind them down into tiny, little pieces of Scandinavian-meat and mix them with egg yolk, bread crumbs, diced onion, a little bit of nutmeg (not too much!) and add some salt and pepper and then – you sick, sick people – bake them in a warm pre-buttered skillet for several minutes while whisking with a wooden spoon and serving with parsley and rich gravy. That’s what you do!

Who would’ve thought? The kind, good-natured Swedes, a bunch of cannibals who eat their fellow Scandinavians. You make us sick! And we both know that if this comes out in the open, Swedish Meatball revenue will drop by at least 2,5% to 5% on All-You-Can-Eat Wednesdays! If that doesn’t scare you, well… We give up.

#1: We actually really like you and we hope you like us too. (And you’d hurt our feelings if you didn’t)

Okay, so – all threats set aside. We really hope you’ll support us because Ajax vs. Manchester United is a lot like David vs. Goliath. You see, Ajax is a team that – in comparison to any Premier League team such as Man. United – basically has no budget. But it is a team rich with tradition and football success, a team admired for its hard work, innovative play and good sportsmanship on the field.
Unlike many other competitions the Dutch league(s) are relatively untouched by billionaire investors and mega-corporation sponsors – instead the Dutch have always believed that a true soccer loving heart is the key to success, even though they were slipping away against clubs with seemingly unlimited budgets.

It’s been fifteen(!) years since Ajax last played a final in the major European competitions, but it has worked hard and believed steadfast that one day it would be able to rise again. We, here in Amsterdam and all throughout the country, hope that it will and that it’ll make a decisive difference for Dutch football as a whole.

Comings Wednesday a team of young rookies, who struggled their way into the finals, will be facing off a team of seasoned pros who have a lot less to lose than Ajax should they not make it. The Amsterdam team will be defending not just its own honor but that of a whole nation.
The Dutch know that the Swedes especially are appreciative of hard work, innovation and good sportsmanship – that they pick the little man over the big man. And so, we hope, that the Swedish and many others around the world – even if just this once – will root for the hopeful, young team from Amsterdam and watch a small nation in the heart of Europe explode in celebration if they win. No matter your pick, we hope you enjoy the match as much as we will. Thanks for rea

YES! Great weather in the Netherlands all week long!

It took nature it’s sweet sweet time, and we’re still a bit traumatized by the cold days of April. But at last we have some good meteorological news for you, there’s going to be some amazing Spring weather this week and the end of it is not yet in sight. Here it is:

Great weather in the Netherlands
source: screenshot weeronline.nl

Okay, so there might be an end in sight for the great weather spell here, but who were you kidding – it’s the Netherlands: rain is always coming. And who knows what happens in 14 days? Let’s first concentrate on making the best of these scarce hours of sunshine and warmth!

So with this fricking great weather in the Netherlands incoming, what are we going to do?

Besides this


1. This is the time to get culinary for the Dutchies. Coals will be bought, the BBQ will be found and many speklapjes and saté-sauce will get consumed. Yes! It’s BBQ time for the Netherlands.

2. You might want to go for a quick spring vacation in this little country of ours! Or perhaps Giethoorn might just be too busy for you, and you can always do a staycation if you’re already living in a nice big Dutch city.

3. You might want to see the beauty of the Hague from a boat with these temperatures! Keep an eye out for any events from ‘The Hague Boat’ or just book a ride at their normal cruises (which are still very nice).

4. Obviously when in doubt, go to the beach! 



Any other suggestions of what to do with great weather in the Netherlands? Feel free to share!

The long and short of asparagus in the Netherlands


Around the same time every year, the Dutch go mad over one tasty, spear-shaped, vegetable. If you haven’t noticed them in supermarkets yet, you might not have been paying attention: chances are, the asparagus has been gracing the shelves of your local store for almost two months now.

There are countless ways to prepare asparagus, and the crop has been growing fast in popularity.

Part of a European Identity

Indeed, idolising these slim, green-or-white stalks is a proud European tradition. The ancient Greeks believed them to be beneficial herbs, and they have long been considered to have aphrodisiac properties (certainly, this year’s rock-bottom prices will have set a few Dutch hearts racing already). In fact, Worcester Cathedral in England held a special ceremony just last month to venerate the asparagus. It featured a bunch of the vegetable carried up the aisle by a man in a dark suit, a slightly plump St George look-alike, and a third gentleman (‘Gus’) solemnly dressed as a single, large asparagus.

It’s enough to make me go green with envy (who wouldn’t wanna be in Gus’ boots?), but the ceremony also invited more than a few comments about Monty Python and some knights in search of shrubbery. Members of the Anglican Church considered it “absurd”. The ritual also must have increased exponentially the concern probably already felt by members of Christian Concern, a pressure group.

Disclaimer: this is not meant to cause concern for any religious groups.

Asparagus: the statistics

Jokes aside, let’s look at some facts about Dutch asparagus production. According to Statistics Netherlands (the ‘CBS’), this country is Europe’s fifth-largest asparagus-producer. As you can see in the handy chart to the left, the Germans are the EU’s biggest producer by 1,000 hectares. Clearly, they’re also crazy about the stuff, even importing one tenth of Dutch-grown asparagus to satisfy their national cravings.

Further, the amount of land given over to asparagus crop in NL is growing. The CBS calculated a 6 per cent increase in asparagus-producing farmland from 2015-16.

Maybe the Dutch feel the need to offset their soft-drinks addiction – some organisations suggest that the Netherlands has the highest per capita consumption of sweetened beverages in Europe (although that was questioned in this recent article).

Either way, I guess this love of veggies keeps the Dutch relatively slim. Remember, we were eating kale long before it became cool with health-crazed granola-munching vegan yoga-nuts in Cali.

P.S. the author is a vegan yoga-nut.

Go forth and eat asparagi!

Have you been taking advantage of the season? Or do you feel like you you’ve been missing out? Fear not! Asparagus season lasts from 11 April to 24 June, so the time is ripe for you to go live out your vegetable-related culinary ambitions.

More good news: this year’s crop was both earlier than usual and about HALF THE PRICE of last year’s. Not ideal for producers maybe, but great for the price-conscious consumer!

Basically the long and short of it is: what the heck are you waiting for?! Go whip up some asparagus-themed meals!



Sea Eagles in the Netherlands: soaring back in the country


Great news for animal and bird lovers! It’s official! There’s another new nest of sea eagles in the Netherlands! This time two lovebirds have made a nest near Biddinghuizen, in the province of Flevoland. The local forest ranger, Vahid Dizdareviz, spotted the couple setting up a new nest in mid-March. According to State Forest Management Service (Staatsbosbeheer) there is currently at least one chick in the nest.

To ensure maximum safety and chance of survival, a wide area around the sea eagle nest has been protected and is forbidden for everyone except those from the Forest Management Service themselves.

A Majestic Return for the Sea Eagle in the Netherlands

The sea eagles aren’t entirely new to Holland though, they’ve returned since 2006, after being gone for centuries – the Dutch changed the landscape so much, and disturbed the ecosystem while doing it, that the eagle simply couldn’t hold ground. It faced similar problems in much of the rest of Europe. But the Dutch have been making strides to restore their habitats and bring back the natural balance in the past few decades. So far it has been fairly successful, with the return of the sea eagle being the crown achievement.

So far, 44 successful nests throughout the country have managed to raise their young to adulthood. The most popular spots for these big birds of prey are the Biesbosch, a wetland area just outside of Dordrecht, Lauwersmeer in Frisia, and the amazing Oostvaardersplassen in Flevoland. The latter is also home to Europe’s largest herd of wild horses as well as wild deer and other unique wild life.

Art work dedicated to the majestic bird in the Lauwersmeer-lake area of Groningen.

In the past, the Dutch authorities have installed webcams at nests for people to view the growing chicks live, but a new placement has not yet been announced. If you are curious to see older nests, you can check it out here.

Sea eagles in the Netherlands: Restoring Pride, Not Just Nature

Needless to say the Dutch are proud that their environmental efforts are paying off and that the European Sea Eagle has chosen our wetlands as the main base of operation to take over Europe. Sorry if that sounds like Nazi Germany, but from what we understand the eagles never agreed to their likeness being used as a symbol for the Fourth Reich.

If you’re curious about the difference between the American “Bald Eagle” and the European “White-Tailed Eagle”, the latter has a brown head as opposed to the distinctive white head on its American cousin. Rumor also has it that Bald Eagle has been dating Jennifer Lawrence while the White-Tailed Eagle is too busy setting up a TV show for fishing- and hunting enthusiasts…


sea eagles in the Netherlands
A Jealous White-Tailed Eagle hating on his American cousin in full flight.


Oh hey, do us a favor and share with us if you ever see any Sea Eagles in the Netherlands!

Dutch King Willem Alexander flies into the Daily Show

If there’s one thing we Dutchies like it is free cheese getting mentioned by the bigger programs of the bigger countries in the world, and we love it even more when that country is Murica and that program is the Daily show. Last time they featured our PM Mike Gurkin, and surely that would have been the last attention for the Dutch until we would finally make it onto the world stage with a World Cup or something. But our Kings Willem-Alexander secret hobby of commercial flying (and in essence, a part-time job) is captivating the hearts and minds of the common folk and news of this peculiar hobby flies around the world (pun intended). So much so that Trevor Noah even stuffed it in his program which is usually filled to the brim with that other Orange-figure, who’s admittedly a whole lot less royal. 

Dutch pride starts at 1:48, but just press play:

The Netherlands was also right on handling the Turks

Don’t cut it off right that after that bit by the way, if you’ll keep on watching you will also see Erdogan’s thugs beat up peaceful protesters. Thereby once again confirming that the Dutch government was right when it came to their handling of the Turkish minister in March. We still have to see any sanctions or such that Erdogan and his henchmen promised it us, but to make sure they look extra shitty Dutch police officers with Turkish roots have been extensively threatened by Erdogan fanboys. Real classy guys… 


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DutchReview Getaway: A Night at the Pier in Scheveningen

We often get asked ‘hey DutchReview, where should I stay if I visit that little country of yours’ or ‘my parents are visiting and my mom doesn’t want to bunk on my couch’ so for all of these people we’ll go on the tough job of checking out the best and most creative stays of Holland. First up: we’re staying right at the North Sea at the Pier in Scheveningen aka the Pier suites.

If you ever want to enjoy an unlimited sea view then this is the spot. Right at the very end of this landmark of Scheveningen the Pier Suites have set up shop not so long ago. And not just some random rooms as well, it’s a luxurious stay (hence the term suite) in all kind of aspects and since it has just opened up it’s also brand new!

The Room

So there’s a bed (kingsize), shower (rainlike) and a TV – you kind of expect those things of course. But there are a couple of genuine highlights.

Like the bath, or better said jacuzzi, right in the middle of the room so it’s the perfect spot for bubbling for hours and watching the sea (or quickly watching something on the telly). It can easily fit two and this is always a major plus for me when looking for a room:

That, and the possibility of combining drinking and bathing

Next up is the mini-bar (‘big deal’ I hear you thinking), it’s an absolute score for the Piere Suites since the mini-bar is free (YES! GRATIS) and really nicely stocked – there are for example 2 bottles of wine to drink from. The minibar feature here is thus a nice change from the normal ‘peanuts and water for 19 euro’-regime.

And obviously if you’re staying above and at sea you’ll want to take in the surroundings as much as possible, luckily every suite has a royal terrace with 2 deck chairs giving you an unrivaled view of the North Sea. It’s a no-brainer that this is a winner when the sun is shining, but it’s also kind of magical to look at the sea during the night with all the flickering lights of anchored ships.

The hallway

oh and the starry night ceiling effect is something I’ll now want at home as well!


The Pier in Scheveningen: what’s there to do?

You should know Scheveningen by now a bit, and if you don’t then check out this article on the town in the early Spring or this one on having a romantic time in Scheveningen. But there are two items that jump out (you know, besides drinking wine in the jacuzzi). First of all, ever been inside the Pier? They have revamped the whole thing a while back and now it’s full of nice stuff to see and delicious stuff to eat. When we visited there was a cute beer-festival and a DJ playing tunes, plenty of trendy burger- and seafood spots to visit.

Second, and technically still on the pier, there’s the Ferris wheel of course! Which is a great way to see all of Scheveningen and see the beach stretch miles in the distance. Best thing is that when you book a suite you’ll get a complementary ticket for 2 for the ferris wheel ride, also meaning that you can skip any lines for the ticketbooth that might be there.

Some great views of the surroundings are offered by the ferris wheel ride

Here’s a little video of our stay at the Pier in Scheveningen:

Interested in staying at the Pier Suites?

So want to sleep above the sea? The Pier Suites has an English language website which allows you to book a suite pronto. Suites start at 199 euro, and sometimes they even have offerings that are better than that! They’re also opening up some cabins real soon, for that extra cozy feeling. Checking in somewhat different, you’ll get some personal attention and meet them at the Pier entrance, nice touch 🙂 


*Pro-tip: if you’re thinking ‘romantic getaway time’, then you’re right! To get you and your loved one in the mood book the extra romance-package which comes with a bottle of premium champagne, chocolates and rose leaves all over the place.

Find out what it's like to spend a night at The Pier in Scheveningen

What is it that really makes the Dutch happy?


The Dutch, especially recently, have frequently been praised for being happy people. But what actually makes the Dutch happy? Research conducted by De Stichting Atlas voor Gemeenten sought to figure this out. Participants were able to self-report their state of happiness and ultimately, their answers lead to some interesting conclusions.

In total, the study indicates that 87% of the Dutch population is happy, with the district of Rotterdam coming in last at 82%. Although apparently this study was conducted before last Sunday. It seems that those who work (whether paid or voluntarily) are much happier than those who don’t. Furthermore, those with good health tend to be far more happy than those with bad health.

Visual representation of happy girl. May or may not actually be Dutch.

It’s also vital to see your friends, even if it’s just monthly, as seeing friends only rarely or never has a heavy impact on one’s overall happiness. Humans are social creatures after all. On the note of social interaction, it seems couples and families with two parents are also above average when it comes to happiness, as opposed to one parent families and singles.

Those seem fairly obvious, but interestingly, those who do not partake in smoking or drinking are significantly less likely to be happy than a person who does smoke or drink alcohol. Furthermore, it seems that those who live in urban areas are also usually less happy than those that live in suburban and rural areas.

Religion also seems to have an impact, likely due to the current sociopolitical climate, as the study indicates that Muslims are least likely to be happy while Christian happiness is a slice above that of ‘other’ religions and atheists.

Happy Dutch!

In any case, if you go by the results, you’re best off being a rich, white, educated, Christian above the age of 65 and without children living at home, but is anyone really surprised by that? What do you think? Any other important factors you think the study misses in the search for what makes the Dutch happy? Let us know.

Finding our Comfort Zone at Panorama Mesdag


Cern’s series Comfort Zone is a humorous and tender portrayal of the humans at the beach, each photographed unawares as they rest in their own comfort zone.

Henry Willem Mesdag is perhaps best known for his painting, Panorama Mesdag, which is housed in a museum of the same title. A visit to the museum is probably worth it simply to see Mesdag’s panorama, but right now that’s not our focus. If you want to know more about the panorama, you can read all about the biggest painting in the Netherlands here.

While the Panorama Mesdag museum houses a small permanent collection of Mesdag’s and his wife Sientje van Houten’s paintings, it also frequently hosts temporary exhibitions and is currently featuring Tadao Cern’s Comfort Zone

Mesdag was known for his marine landscapes, and they’re pretty cool.

Comfort Zone

Comfort Zone is a photograph series that captures seaside visitors as they are sleeping with their faces covered, unaware of the photographer hovering over them. While on the surface it is simply a set of humorous photos portraying slumbering beach-goers in bathing suits, Comfort Zone immortalizes people in their comfort zones (as the title would imply).

The beach somehow presents a different set of societal rules, where people feel more freedom to present themselves with all their flaws and vulnerability. Cern recognizes this and by photographing these short moments of beach slumber, he is able to create a comfort zone for the audience as well, who can gaze and stare freely at all the details without fear of embarrassment.

What ultimately results from his experiment, though, is a series filled both with humor and vulnerability. Cern simultaneously protects the subjects’ identity by taking pictures only when their faces are covered (in protection from the sun), and thus also doesn’t disturb the comfort zone of the sleeping people.

Sleeping people everywhere!
Well, can’t say they don’t look comfortable.
Shh..don’t wake them.
A good tan is always welcome.
Don’t think you can get more comfortable than that.

Tadao Cern

The Lithuanian Tadao Cern began his career as an architect, but after deciding he wanted to pursue a new direction, he took up photography. A year later, he suddenly blasted into the international scene with his series Blow Job, where he photographed people as he blasted them with fierce gusts of wind. 

After a holiday beach visit in his home country, Cern suddenly had the idea that would eventually become Comfort Zone. He then proceeded to spend every day for the next few weeks at the beach, waiting for people to cover their faces and fall asleep. Hundreds of photos were then eventually narrowed down to the 24 that are presented in Comfort Zone.

Cern has since moved on to create contemporary art as well, creating a variety of installations from Adobe Acrobat to Black Balloons to Hanging Paintings. All of those can be checked out on his website.

Cern explains all about how his project came about and how he did it.
Cern says it all.

The Juxtaposition with Mesdag’s Paintings

Mesdag was known for his marine landscapes, particularly those of Scheveningen, which consequently was also the subject of his panorama. Placed alongside the photographs in Comfort Zone, however, the stark contrast between the works becomes even clearer.

While both focus on the beach, their differing intentions make for a fascinating comparison. Mesdag’s paintings are darker, heavier, and show Scheveningen as the fishing village it once was, seemingly ignoring entirely the possibility that people from all over the Netherlands would one day go there to find their own comfort zones.

On the other hand, Comfort Zone presents only the humans on the beach and none of their surroundings. They are framed and presented in such a way that it seems they could even have been taken in a studio and not, as they, in fact, are on a public beach.

Want to visit?

Interested in taking a look to see Cern’s photos and Mesdag’s paintings? Then make sure to check out Panorama Mesdag in The Hague. It’s open from Mon-Sat from 10:00-17:00 and on Sundays from 11:00-17:00. Check out the full list of ticket prices and visiting times here.

Comfort Zone is on display now and will stay until October 22nd, 2017.

Address: Zeestraat 65, 2518 AA, Den Haag

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