Do you know about the Polish army that helped free the Netherlands?

The lesser known heroes 🤝

Many laud the Americans, the British, and the Canadians for the Dutch liberation during the Second World War. But Poland also contributed significantly to Dutch freedom in spite of the hardships it experienced at the time.

The First Polish Armoured Division, led by General Stanislaw Maczek, took part in the Allied invasion of Normandy. The division was formed in Great Britain, in 1942, by those who fled Poland.

These were fiery emigrants, refugee war prisoners, and soldiers who escaped Poland during its fall in 1939. 

After victory in France, the division charged through Belgium and the Netherlands, ending with the capture of Wilhelmshaven in Germany on May 5, 1945.

That time the Polish liberated Breda

On 29th October 1944, the people of Breda cheered. After years of suffering under the brutal Nazi regime, they were free. Their liberators? The Poles.

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The Polish Division was on its way to wreak havoc in Germany, and Breda was a stop along the way. The army drove the Nazis out of the area, liberating Breda. To this day, the locals remember and celebrate this event.

More than 160 soldiers of the Polish Division, as well as troops from the first Independent Parachute Brigade, lie in a Breda cemetery at the Pools Militair Ereveld.

Before his death in 1994, Stanislaw Maczek requested that he be buried in the cemetery, wishing to be with his soldiers.

Not only Breda

Breda was not the only city the Polish soldiers liberated. The division made its way to East Groningen, liberating other cities along the way.

Polish paratroopers also fought bravely in Operation Market Garden under General Sosabowski, and of course, there are many other liberators that deserve their own tribute.

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Tragically, the soldiers could not return to Poland as it had been taken over by the Communist Party. They supported the Government in Exile, which was in direct opposition to Stalin’s puppets.

As Liberation Day festivities continue to this day, we hope you pay tribute to all the heroes that made the liberation of the Netherlands possible.

How do you usually commemorate the occasion? Let us know in the comments.

Image: Keystone Photographer/Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain

Vedika Luthra
Vedika Luthra
Vedika was born in India, raised in Poland and moved to the Netherlands to study. Like her nationality, she’s confused about what she likes most, which is why her bachelor’s degree was in liberal arts and sciences. She enjoys writing about all things food-related but likes to mix it up every now and then.

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  1. I live in Canada 🇨🇦
    My tribute is to my father who was in the resistance in Dordrecht and my mother who is still alive at 103 here in Edmonton.
    I have hung out the Dutch flag in our yard and the tulips are coming up in the front of the house.
    May 8th is the day he was liberated from the Oranje Hotel in Scheveningen.
    Tomorrow I am delivering Dutch Gouda cheese to my family and I remember their sacrifice daily.

  2. Interesting. It’s good to know how other countries, nationalities,helped us to defeat Germany. The world needs to know this.

  3. Today is another historical day, Angela Merkel will deliver the Freedom Speech live broadcasted at noon, May 5! Then she will have a discussion with Dutch students. These are the fruits of freedom!

  4. My father’s division, 104th ID Timberwolves, was supported by a separate Polish tank battalion in several fights in the Netherlands. He had only the highest praise for the Poles.
    His division is remembered by streets named “Timberwolfstraat”.
    The division fought in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany. He liked the Dutch people best.


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