Dutch Quirk #127: Ring their bike bell while they tailgate you

HomeUltimate List of Dutch QuirksDutch Quirk #127: Ring their bike bell while they tailgate you

Ever been interrupted mid-leisurely bike ride in the Netherlands by a harsh bell ringing behind you? Craning your head around, you probably spotted the perpetrator creeping up on your rear. 

Your initial instinct might be to panic or stop, drop, and roll (word of advice: don’t do that).

You ask, what does this cycling stranger want from me? Are they cat-calling, angry, or just giving a little salutation? Welcome to the mysterious world of Dutch bike etiquette

What is it?

That ringing sound behind you is a way for a Dutchie to alert you to their presence while not in your vision. 

Maybe the bell strikes as you’re about to round a corner, a busy intersection, or still clambering onto your bike (not quite able to swing your legs over like it’s a well-tamed horse). But why?

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Chances are, if a Dutch cyclist rings their bell while they tailgate you, they probably want to overtake — or, in some rare cases, prevent you from crashing into them. 

The bell is a polite notice to say that you and your rookie international bike moves, while endearing, are a bit too langzaam (slow) for their tastes.

They’re probably about to usurp you with skill and grace that will leave you gazing with admiration. 

Why is it quirky? 

One reason this phenomenon might feel so distinctly Dutch is that cyclists from other countries are less confident manning the bike lane. 

That’s why they usually keep careful 10-metre distances between two-wheelers, and tailgating doesn’t seem to feature in their vocabulary. 

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But in some sense, it doesn’t feature for fearless Dutchies’ either since their idea of “tailgating” is just a perfectly reasonable amount of space between bicycles — why would we need a word for it? 

Once on top of that saddle, they are comfortable getting up close and personal. 

Should you join in? 

Terrifying and intimidating as this practice may feel at first, it’s certainly thoughtful. What else can they do?

Being overtaken in complete silence would undoubtedly make your blood run cold, not to mention the increased risk of a dangerous collision.

@dutchreview It takes a while… 🤕 #dutchlife #thenetherlands #cycling #dutchmemes #expatlife #expatsinthenetherlands #learndutch #dutchreview #meme #memecut ♬ son original – Caroline #prendresoindesoi

So, it’s advisable that next time you feel bold enough to overtake someone, you give them a similar heads-up before scaring the living daylights out of them. 

Have you experienced this Dutch quirk? Tell us in the comments below!

Feature Image:Depositphotos
Ellen Ranebo
Ellen Ranebo
As someone half Swedish and half Irish who has lived in the Netherlands, the UK, and attended an American School, Ellen is a cocktail of various nationalities. Having had her fair share of bike accidents, near-death experiences involving canals, and miscommunications while living here (Swedish and Dutch have deceptively similar words with very different meanings), she hopes to have (and document) plenty more in future.


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