Dutch Quirk #21: Put mayo on absolutely everything

HomeUltimate List of Dutch QuirksDutch Quirk #21: Put mayo on absolutely everything

Dutch mayonnaise is on another level. For expats, the condiment is different in flavour for sure, but it can be seen on EVERYTHING in the Netherlands.

Yes, we mean everything. It’s absolutely not exclusive to friet (or patat), and (to my surprise) I spotted the substance in a gigantic jar at a store soon after I moved from the United States.

Just when I was starting to think they don’t have those American sizes of things here in the lowlands. 😅

What is it?

It’s a probably not-so-healthy Dutch obsession with a saucy condiment that has different variations besides the regular mayonnaise, like frietsaus (it literally has all the same ingredients as mayo, just in different quantities). 🍟

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We don’t just mean small quantities either: we’re talking spoonfuls of mayonnaise on anything you can get at a snack bar or as an ingredient in Dutch sandwiches.

Why do they like it?

Well, the fried snacks definitely feed this mayo passion. Although, it gets a tad bit too much sometimes, especially if you’re not a fan of the sauce. 👀

Sometimes, if you order a sandwich or some finger food off a menu, you get mayonnaise with your order on the house. 🤷

Is there a mayonnaise reserve where people go and get bucketsfulls every week? We can’t be sure at this point. Nederlanders just like it way too much.

Why is it quirky?

Much like any food obsession, it’s reflected in the culture. Mashed potatoes? You get mayonnaise with that. A frikandel? Mayo!

If you hit the nearest Albert Heijn, Dirk, or any other Dutch supermarket, I can guarantee you’ll be encountering either a toothpaste-looking tube or a mega-sized tub of mayonnaise.

There’s no in-between; Dutchies live in extremes.

Should you join in?

In moderation, yes — I don’t know what’s in a Dutch mayonnaise, but it’s definitely delicious and different, sweeter compared to what I’ve had before.

But by the same token, we don’t want you to be called disgusting behind your back. If you’re dining with a Dutchie, you’ll receive no judgment for binge-eating mayo! 😋

What do you think of this Dutch quirk? Tell us in the comments below!

Feature Image:Depositphotos
Farah Al Mazouni 🇸🇾 🇺🇸
Farah Al Mazouni 🇸🇾 🇺🇸
Farah believes she's been on many adventures during her millennial life, each for a different (sometimes invisible) purpose. The latest adventure whisked her away to Amsterdam for love, and what a magical surprise she found in this city. Armed with imaginary confetti in her pocket, and ready to celebrate all wins, big and small, Farah says "ahla w sahla" or “welcome” to her latest adventure in this wonderland.


  1. When it comes to food not everyone has to be like the UK or America. To each his own. When dutch people go overseas many think that ketchup on almost everything is just as weird. In Asia (where I currently live and yes I am dutch) they put fish sauce and Chilly sauce on almost everything. Order french fries and they give you butter and sugar on the side. Mayonnaise to the dutch is like ketchup to north americans. At last we don’t put mayo on fried eggs.
    When expats see things they are not used to, they think it’s weird instead of thinking it is not weird for the locals. It is rather normal wherever you go. I’ve heard many negative comments from expats regarding many things that are not normal to them.
    When expats travel overseas they claim to do so to learn about cultures. Food is a large part of it so try it first. If you think it is weird that is fine but say you think it is weird. Don’t use “They” as it reflects you idea on everyone.

    • 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Exactly! It’s all this website seems to do; slag the Dutch off. I’ve lived in the UK for 30+ years, have (mostly) adapted and don’t continuously bitch and moan about them. I DO get a regular supply of sprinkles and frietsaus though 😃
      And mayo on fried egg…… I’m guilty of that too occasionally! 😜

  2. ok, I left the NL 20 years ago but never saw what you described. yes, mayo on fries but not on the level you mentioned. Perhaps times are changed. Americans (USA) use much more mayo, on sandwiches etc. I understand you do it for the likes but still….

  3. This is a really big danger for the Dutch society, because eating so much fried stuff and so much mayo creates a lot of chance of getting high levels of Cholesterol LDL which silently and slowly creates a lot of sickness in your body also considering the Healthcare system here does not even care about anything else rather than giving you paracetamol, people should be very careful with what they eat.

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