This expat’s TikToks about weird Dutch habits went viral (because they’re relatable AF!)

Have you ever struggled to impress upon your friends the fact that Dutch culture goes far beyond a love of kaas and broodjes? Fear no more, this expat’s viral videos perfectly encapsulate the Dutchies’ weird and wonderful cultural quirks.

Claudia Arroyo originally comes from Peru but as her TikTok videos will tell you, she — like many of us expats — fell for a Dutchie.

Life as a lovepat and mother in the Netherlands certainly has its challenges. Thankfully, Claudia has risen to them, and she made sure to let the world in on some of her hilarious observations while she was at it.

Some weird obsessions

As with anyone’s TikTok profile, there’s a lot to unpack when you visit Claudia’s page — but let’s start with some interesting Dutch obsessions that she has noticed…

The Dutch obsession with Buienradar…

I’m glad I’m not the only one who is confused by the Dutch’s unyielding trust in this rain radar app. I firmly believe that a Dutch person could be standing in the rain and yet deny that it is raining unless this app says so. 😂

READ MORE |Dutch Quirk #117: Constantly check Buienradar

…and cycling in the rain

However, regardless of what Buienradar says you can guarantee that nothing comes between a Dutchie and their bike. Come wind, rain, or snowfall — if there is a road, it will be cycled down.

READ MORE | The Dutchest thing ever: cycling in the rain

Obscure cultural quirks

Claudia also made sure to shine a light on some of the more obscure aspects of Dutch culture.

For example, anyone who has been living in the Netherlands for some time either has heard of (and maybe even experienced — if so, we’re so sorry) the anxiety-inducing circle of death at Dutch birthday parties…

Even more obscure is the Dutch toilet calendar? Is this a thing? Honestly, it doesn’t surprise me when you consider how closely some Dutchies cling to their agendas.

With all that scheduling, it’s probably best to keep yourself, and others updated on future business whilst attending to, ahem, toilet business.


Never under any circumstances is it ok to add yourself to someone else’s toilet calendar😂 #dutch #customs #nederland #culture #latinosenholanda #fyp

♬ EverybodyMakesMistakes – Jason

The struggle of learning Dutch

Some of Claudia’s most popular videos are relating to the well-known struggle of learning Dutch.

While expats certainly experience the Netherlands in different ways, I think there is one aspect of Dutch culture that we all collectively struggle with — is it “de” or “het“????

Some wholesome takes

While Claudia enjoys poking fun at Dutchies, you can also see from her videos that she loves her life as an international in the Netherlands.

On her page, you can find moments of gratitude to the Dutch — as well as some wholesome and motivational content.

What cultural quirks have you noticed as an international in the Netherlands? Tell us all about them in the comments below! 

Feature Image:DutchReview/Canva.
Sarah O'Leary 🇮🇪
Sarah O'Leary 🇮🇪
Before becoming the Senior Editor of DutchReview, Sarah was a fresh-faced international looking to learn more about the Netherlands. Since moving here in 2017, Sarah has added a BA in English and Philosophy (Hons.), an MA in Literature (Hons.), and over three years of writing experience at DutchReview to her skillset. When Sarah isn't acting as a safety threat to herself and others (cycling), you can find her trying to sound witty while writing about some of the stickier topics such as mortgages and Dutch law.

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  1. TikTok was funded by, developed by, released by, is maintained by, generates income for and is fundamentally controlled by the CCP. No, CCP is not some benevolent software company; CCP is The Chinese Communist Party!


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