21 YouTubers that’ll help you learn Dutch super fast

There are many approaches to learning Dutch, and while attending a language school is definitely effective, it’s not for everyone (or their wallets). So, why not start studying by continuing something you’re already doing? Namely, watching YouTube!

And we’re not just talking boring grammar videos. We’ve gathered the 21 best YouTube channels for you to start learning or rekindle your love for the Dutch language.

So whether you’re a complete beginner, a hopeful intermediate, or a persistent advanced speaker, there’s a Dutch YouTuber out there for you (or at least your language skills 😉).

Dutch YouTube channels to learn vocab and grammar

For those who want targeted guidance throughout their Dutch language learning journey, we’ve found four Dutch channels on YouTube that’ll ensure you’ll have a strong foundation for learning the language.

With these channels, you’ll learn vocab and grammar, receive in-depth explanations of the language and culture, and even have a few laughs. 

1. Dutchies to be — Learn Dutch with Kim

Forget boring grammar lessons — Kim’s channel is all about learning Dutch with hilarious acting and real situations. Every video starts with a scenario where she shows the topic in practice — before she clearly breaks down all of the grammar rules about that topic. 

Her videos are sweet, funny, and cover everything from essential grammar to daily conversations to common mistakes made by non-native speakers. She also has a complimentary website and offers online courses

👌 Good for: Beginners and intermediates who want all-around learning.
⏱️ Video lengths: 10-15 minutes

2. Learn Dutch with Bart de Pau

Bart provides fun videos that aim at “creating a better understanding between foreigners and Dutch people.” You’ll find a cute animated soap opera on his channel for learning Dutch, interviews with students about Dutch culture and language, and fun language challenges.

READ MORE | The very best of those videos with Bart de Pau from Learn Dutch

His channel isn’t as structured as Kim’s in terms of lessons, and most exercises and classes are only available on his website. However, if you’re looking for insights into Dutch culture and language through short and funny interviews, look no further!

Plus, he has a free online video course called “1000 most common words in Dutch” that you can subscribe to for an extra challenge!

👌 Good for: Beginners and intermediates, plus anyone interested in Dutch culture.
⏱️ Video lengths: 5-10 minutes

3. Easy Dutch 

We stumbled across this channel via an extensive playlist by Easy Languages. 

Their ‘Easy Dutch — Learn Dutch from the Streets!’ playlist is updated by the channel Easy Dutch — a must-follow for any hopefully Dutch speakers!

It’s full of interviews with people from the Netherlands about all sorts of topics — from the life of Turks in the Netherlands to what makes people happy. They even have a video where they corner Rutte to ask him what he’s wearing! 😆

All videos are entirely in Dutch, but simultaneous Dutch and English subtitles make it easy to pick up new words.

👌 Good for: Anyone who wants to learn vocabulary and practice listening skills.
⏱️ Video length: 10 minutes

4. Learn Dutch with DutchPod101

Probably one of the most extensive video libraries you’ll find for learning Dutch on YouTube! DutchPod 101’s YouTube channel has 20 playlists for you to peruse — with videos on everything from vocabulary and grammar to writing, reading, and listening skills.

If you ask us, a playlist with conversational phrases is perfect for putting on in the background while cleaning or taking a shower!

Their videos may look like they were made with 2010s graphics, but the content is worth staying for.

👌 Good for: People at any level who want targeted videos.
⏱️ Video lengths: 3 minutes to 4 hours

Dutch lifestyle and health channels

Want to take a break from studying but still practice your Dutch skills? Good news! Whatever your channel subscription looks like, there’s likely a Dutch version.

5. VerlosMoeder

If you’re a person with a uterus who wants to grow a mini human in there sometime — VerlosMoeder is for you! 

‘Verlosmoeder’ is a portmanteau of verloskundige and moeder (midwife and mother) because Djanifa makes content about her job as a midwife in the Netherlands — and her life as a mom. 🤰 Overall, a sweet, personal, aesthetic, and super informative channel radiating femininity and strength. 

👌 Good for: Intermediate to advanced speakers who want to learn about midwifery, female health, pregnancy, and raising children.
⏱️ Video lengths: 10-20 minutes

6. faenomenal

Your typical lifestyle and food YouTuber… but with a sustainable and vegan twist — where was that subscribe button?

Fae’s channel has many features that underlie other currently popular YouTubers in this category: aesthetic shots, humour, and a bit of a vintage vibe (which seems very Dutch, to be honest). 

It’s a good one for practising Dutch because she speaks clearly and at a decent pace, uses some English words once in a while, and makes quite a few similar videos (read: ‘vegan what I eat in a day’), so you’ll hear some words again and again. 🙌

👌 Good for: Intermediates who want a chill way to practice their listening skills and enjoy varied content.
⏱️ Video lengths: 10-20 minutes

7. Enzoknol

First of all, this guy uploads every day. Every. Single. Day. 😱 That means his content may not be as carefully curated or edited as some other YouTubers out there, but there’s certainly a lot of it.

Most of his videos also feature his girlfriend, friends, or family, so it’s great for hearing conversational Dutch (spoken at a relatively fast pace). If you’re into old-school, slightly chaotic vlogs, this is it!

👌 Good for: Intermediate to advanced speakers who want to be thrown into daily Dutch.
⏱️ Video lengths: 30 minutes to one hour

8. Teske

As a YouTuber, blogger, and singer, Teske’s content can literally help you learn Dutch whether you’re in the mood for watching, reading, or listening to some poppy rap. 🎶

Her channel centres around her daily life, mixed in with (mostly vegan) food product reviews and life advice. Like Fae, she speaks clearly and at a relatively easy-to-follow pace, making her vlogs enjoyable to follow, even if you’re still not so confident with Dutch!

👌 Good for: Intermediates who want a chill way to practice their listening skills and enjoy varied content.
⏱️ Video lengths: 10-20 minutes

9. Gio

Another guy who uploads videos every single day — Dutch efficiency? Whatever it is, it means there’s lots of content for you to peruse!

Giovanni’s channel consists primarily of day-in-the-life vlogs, but if you’re expecting relatable content, you might be disappointed — unless you know many 20-some-year-olds that drive Lamborghinis and vacation with their family in a giant castle every year. 🙃

Nevertheless, he has lots of energy and enthusiasm, and the level of extraness is pretty entertaining.

👌 Good for: Intermediate to advanced speakers who want to be thrown into daily Dutch.
⏱️ Video lengths: 15-30 minutes

Dutch gaming channels

An article about YouTubers wouldn’t be complete without the gamers making an appearance. And luckily, there are more than a few Dutch ones. 🎮

READ MORE | 4 ways the Netherlands is an underrated gamer’s paradise

10. SerpentGameplay

Even though his channel is called SerpentGameplay, Rick also uploads videos about internet culture and seemingly random things in his life. In his bio, he describes himself as having “a passion for bad jokes, weird facts, and gaming!”

He’s critical, down-to-earth, and pretty charming with his excessive hand gestures and copious amounts of self-irony. Oh, and since he speaks directly to the camera and into a microphone, his Dutch is relatively easy to understand! 

👌 Good for: Intermediate to advanced speakers who enjoy gaming, internet culture, and self-irony.
⏱️ Video lengths: 10 minutes to five hours

11. DusDavid Games

This YouTuber doesn’t seem to be uploading anymore — but with more than 6000 videos, there’s plenty of content for you to enjoy. 

DusDavid Games has a lot of Minecraft gameplay but also a bunch of other games and some interspersed vlogs and comedy videos. The sound quality is good as he talks directly into a mic, but you’ll have to listen carefully as he speaks relatively fast — especially in the gameplay videos. 

👌 Good for: Intermediate to advanced speakers who want to watch their usual gameplay videos in Dutch.
⏱️ Video lengths: 5-30 minutes

Dutch comedy and experiment channels

Looking to laugh away the struggles of learning Dutch? With these comedy channels, you’ll step up your casual Dutch and be introduced to some Dutch slang. Lijkt me leuk! (Sounds like fun!)    

12. BOOS

Airing on NPO3 (a Dutch public broadcasting channel for children, youth, and innovative television) as well as YouTube, BOOS follows the host as he tries “to make angry people not angry.” 

What does that entail exactly? 🤔

People can email the show if they’re unhappy with their boss, landlord, a webshop, politicians — you name it — and then the production team look into the problem, providing ample entertainment as well as insights into Dutch society as they do.

Also, Boos has decent-quality auto-translated subtitles if it ever goes a bit too fast for your Dutch.

While the videos are often light, BOOS’ most popular video (with more than 10 million views!) investigates the sexual assault scandal at The Voice of Holland.

👌 Good for: Intermediate to advanced speakers who want to learn about Dutch society and culture.
⏱️ Video lengths: 15-30 minutes

13. DrugsLab

Perhaps the most Dutch channel you’ll ever find out there — at least stereotypically and if you buy into myths about drugs in the Netherlands. In Drugslab, three young people use, test, and talk about drugs, all in the name of science. 

The channel is owned by a Dutch public broadcaster, and all episodes were supervised by a medical team and consulted by addiction experts. Drugslab ended after all the drugs they wanted to cover had been presented, but the 193(!) videos on YouTube are still great fun and very informative!

👌 Good for: Intermediate to advanced speakers who want to hear how young Dutchies speak.
⏱️ Video lengths: 5-20 minutes

14. Streetlab

Another lab! And this time, it’s back to good old-school social experiments. Streetlab is presented by the four childhood friends Tim, Daan, Jasper, and Stijn and supported by the Dutch public broadcasters KRO-NCRV and NPO3. 

Their original experiments stopped after they became too well-known. However, there have been several spin-offs since — so you’ll learn lots of varied vocabulary ranging from dating situations to travel to pop culture.

👌 Good for: Intermediate to advanced speakers who want to hear conversational Dutch while having a good laugh.
⏱️ Video lengths: 5-20 minutes

15. Jesse Hoefnagels

This one is for the TikTok generation. We’re still now sure what exactly this guy does, but he has 400,000+ subscribers, so he must be doing something right.

His videos are about everything from dating to funny experiences to just doing downright random stuff. Watching his videos, you’ll for sure learn some slang and be challenged to listen carefully as he sometimes speaks a little fast.

👌 Good for: Intermediate to advanced speakers who want a challenge.
⏱️ Video lengths: 3-10 minutes

16. StukTV

StukTV is YouTube taken to another level. The three friends have more than 2.5 million subscribers and are regularly picked up by Dutch television, and in 2018, they sold Stuk to the Dutch multimedia company Talpa. 📺 

However, Giel, Thomas, and Stefan continue to upload new episodes of their tv-show-like productions to YouTube every week. 

Their videos range from crazy dares to the show “Het Jachtseizoen.” Each action-packed episode features a well-known Dutchie who enacts a prison escape and has four hours to flee from the presenters who act as guards. 👮

👌 Good for: Intermediate to advanced speakers who reality-tv-like entertainment.
⏱ Video lengths: 10-30 minutes

Dutch news and educational channels 

Are you planning on taking the inburgeringsexamen? Or simply like to keep on top of the most important developments in the Netherlands? 

Similarly to learning Dutch with podcasts, watching news(y) channels in Dutch is a great way to kill two birds with one stone — improving your Dutch and your knowledge about the Netherlands at the same time!

17. De Avondshow met Arjen Lubach 

Think of the Daily Show — but in Dutch. 😎 De Avondshow met Arjen Lubach is a satirical news and talk show hosted by Arjen Lubach. 

Lubach has returned to the screen (and YouTube!) after the popular programme Zondag met Lubach was discontinued in August 2020. Now the host of a Dutch late-night show, he discusses news, current issues and invites inspiring guests.

👌 Good for: Intermediate to advanced speakers who want to laugh with a Dutch version of Trevor Noah.
⏱️ Video lengths: 5-15 minutes

18. NOS Jeugdjournaal

The NOS Jeugdjournaal uploads daily news segments to its YouTube channel — keeping your information and your Dutch up to speed.

The NOS Jeudjournaal is the youth version of the Dutch public broadcaster and newspaper, the NOS. It’s aimed at nine to 12-year-olds, but for Dutch learners, it’s a gem for listening to the news in simple Dutch.  

👌 Good for: Beginners and intermediates who want to keep on top of the latest news in easy-to-understand Dutch.
⏱️ Video lengths: 1-5 minutes

19. Clipphanger

Another kids program that’s great for hearing simple Dutch in an educational context. Developed by Schooltv.nl, Clipphanger is part of the public broadcaster NTR, focusing on educational content for Dutch youth. 

The short animations may be simple, but they’re fantastic for developing a Dutch vocabulary about topics you may not know how to express in Nederlands — like politics, mental illness, or Keti Koti. And if you didn’t catch a specific word, Clipphanger has Dutch (non-auto generated) subtitles to help you learn.

👌 Good for: Beginners and intermediates who are looking to increase their vocabulary.
⏱️ Video lengths: 1-2 minutes

20. NOS op 3

Dutchies really have something for age-targeted news channels. But well, if it means everyone has a chance to understand and follow current affairs, then that’s pretty good. 👏

NOS op 3 caters to 18 to 50-year-olds and puts extra emphasis on presenting the news with clear language and informative graphics (making it ideal for Dutch language learners!) Like Clipphanger, NOS op 3 also has non-autogenerated Dutch subtitles to improve the accessibility of the videos!

👌 Good for: Beginners and intermediates who want in-depth knowledge about specific current topics in the Netherlands.
⏱️ Video lengths: 5-30 minutes

21. Universiteit van Nederland

The TED of the Netherlands! That’s right, swap out your TED talk binge with similar content in Dutch — because procrastination might as well be productive. Also available as a podcast, De Universiteit van Nederland is, in essence, exactly what it sounds like: a university for all of the Netherlands.

The videos are mini-lectures given by some of the best academics in the Netherlands and organised in cooperation with 14 Dutch universities. The benefit of the TED talk-like format is that even though you’re listening to a complicated topic, you’ll likely understand a lot because the speaker presents it in a clear and explanative way using layman’s terms.

👌 Good for: Anyone who wants to learn about interesting topics while practising their Dutch listening skills.
⏱️ Video lengths: 4-20 minutes

Whether you’re trying to learn Dutch while you’re not in the Netherlands, learn Dutch for free, or simply want to feel a little less guilty about your hours spent on YouTube, the platform can be a great way to elevate your everyday Dutch.

Do you have any Dutch YouTube recommendations? Tell us in the comments below!

Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in December 2021, and was fully updated in October 2023 for your reading pleasure.

Feature Image:Depositphotos
Christine Stein Hededam 🇩🇰
Christine Stein Hededam 🇩🇰
A Dane with a special place in her heart for Minnesota, Christine is now falling in love with everything Dutch. Between finishing her bachelor’s degree, learning Dutch, and doing yoga teacher training, you will find her wandering about the Hague. Always up for visiting new places, she loves to explore the Netherlands with friends and takes pride in scoping out cute cafés (wherein to discuss books, big plans, and food).

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  1. I already follow most of these channels, but would like to propose one additional channel, Dutch Today. Martyn presents each video with a focused topic in mind and speaks slow enough to follow and in an extremely clear yet still very Dutch accent to get a feel for how things should sound.



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