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Dutch nitrogen crisis: Greenpeace wins court case against the Netherlands

The Dutch court has ruled in favour of Greenpeace in their case against the Dutch state, meaning the Netherlands must take more concrete action to reduce nitrogen emissions.   The judge...

Close your windows! This huge Australian spider is now at home in the Netherlands

It's official: even expat spiders can navigate the Dutch housing crisis before we can, as this large species from Down Under is here to...

Special treat: Here’s why you should be looking to the sky tonight

If you keep your eyes on the skies over the next few nights, you’ll be treated to a shooting star show.  Earth will pass by...

This Dutch island is about to receive energy generated from sea tides, here’s how

The Dutch have always been an innovative bunch with a love for sustainable measures. So it's no surprise that up to 700 homes on...

These two Dutch cities are the most sustainable in the world

The Dutch are known for being water-bending innovators and sustainability heroes. Now, a study has officially confirmed this, as not one but two major...

This Dutch city wants to fine people €1,000 for littering — but is the Netherlands really that dirty?

Have you ever thrown the empty container of your FEBO chips onto the ground? Or maybe a cigarette butt? First, you should reconsider your...

Greta Thunberg will be blocking traffic in the Netherlands this Saturday

The renowned young climate activist, Greta Thunberg, will attend Saturday’s blockade of the A12 highway in The Hague, led by Extinction Rebellion (XR). The protests...

These are 5 major changes in the Netherlands in 2024 so far

We're officially three months into 2024 (we're not sure how that happened either). Have you noticed any of these major changes since the start...

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