Moving to another country can be challenging, and without a significant other by your side, loneliness can creep in.
But before you turn to dating apps, here are six things to know about dating in the Netherlands — specifically, about dating the Dutch! Take it from someone with experience.
Dating in the Netherlands: what’s the deal?
Windmills, tulips, and cheese — the Netherlands is known for many things but what about the people? What do they do, where do they live, what are they like? Most importantly, how do you go about dating one of them?
READ MORE | 9 steps to flirting in Dutch (yes, that’s possible)
If you’re hoping to find a tender soulmate to come along and sweep you off your feet, then I have some bad news: the Dutch may not be the right fit.
Welcome to the land of sensibility and realistically romantic folk. 💋
1. Honesty is the way to go
This one goes for both Dutch men and women: honesty is their policy. Don’t worry if you have something stuck between your teeth after dinner, your date will tell you. 🙈
This may come as a shock at first, but once you get used to it, you quickly realize — hey! This is actually better! Who would want to walk around the whole night without anyone mentioning the lipstick on your teeth, right? 🤪
READ MORE | Dutch Quirk 42: Be overwhelmingly direct and never beat around the bush
The Dutch believe that it’s better to be honest than to mislead someone or create high expectations. Instead, they put their cards openly on the table so that you don’t have to assume anything.
So, no mind-games, no drama, no fuss! Any doubt? Just ask!
2. Keeping things casual
Dutch people are casual! If you expect to go to a fancy restaurant on a first date, well, things may not turn out the way you want. Nothing beats the gezellig atmosphere of a traditional Dutch bruin café where you can enjoy a pint and some bitterballen. 😋
Plus, it is just too much work to try to bike with your high heels and itty bitty dress, and who wants to slowly suffocate because of that stupid tie? Lekker rustig, you got this.
3. Dutch flirting and romance
Time is valuable for anyone! As we’ve mentioned before, Dutchies are always pro-honesty, and that affects their flirting style as well.
That’s why Dutch women and men find it a waste of time to sugar-coat things and shower people with half-fake compliments. So, don’t get discouraged just because your date isn’t complimenting your every trait.
The same goes for romantic gestures. Gifts? Instead of popular ideas like a luxurious box of chocolates, you might get something you would use and enjoy more.
READ MORE | 4 things I wish I knew before moving to the Netherlands for love
In the end, everyone can get those cliché gifts, but that Kindle they just got for you? That shows not only that your Dutchie cares for you but also listens to what you say and knows what you like! 🤗
4. Marriage, mortgage, and kids in the Netherlands
Okay, this is where things get a little tricky. We’re all familiar with the traditional steps in a relationship.
If you think you’ve found the right person, who you genuinely like spending time with, first you go steady, then after a couple of years, one of you pops the question. Then comes the marriage, a mortgage, and a kid or two — or so the media says. 👀

When it comes to the Netherlands and dating, things go a little differently. They’ve decided to skip all that. Marriage is seen as a serious commitment by many and shouldn’t be taken lightly.
So you meet someone? Great. Is the relationship going well? Amazing, then let’s move in together and maybe buy a house! Cool. What’s next? How about becoming parents?
READ MORE | Dutch Quirk #90: go through a ridiculous number of dating stages before committing
I once had a friend of mine say, “First comes the house, then a pet, then a kid, and then the marriage. I’m not going to marry someone without making sure that we can spend the rest of our lives together. What if he is a bad father?” 🤔
5. Taboo who?
It’s not uncommon to hear some heavy-hitting questions like, “Do you believe in God?” and “When was the last time you had sex?” when you’re first talking to a Dutch person.
Surprised? We can only imagine.
Freedom and individuality are encouraged in the Netherlands. Your Dutchie is likely to be someone who isn’t afraid to tackle the trickiest subjects pretty early on in the relationship, if not on the very first date. 😅
The reason? They want to know your opinion on these subjects to evaluate if you two are compatible with each other. That actually makes sense, right?
READ MORE | Dutch pick-up lines and compliments: the complete 2025 guide
Moreover, they will give their opinion, whether you want to hear it or not. What the rest of the world considers as potentially rude or too blunt, the Dutch call it being open and honest.
6. Like saving money? So do the Dutch!
The Dutch are known for being cheap—ahem, we mean frugal—and this is often seen as something negative, but why?
READ MORE | 14 downright stingy things Dutch people do
If your Dutchie knows where the best deals are and doesn’t want to pay extra for something that can be found for less, who says that’s ever a bad thing? 💵 ❤️
Of course, not every Dutch person you date is a cliché
Just like you wouldn’t describe yourself as a typical (insert your home country’s nationality), the same goes for the Dutch as well.
Apart from some common traits that we can mention with humour, it’s better to keep in mind that your Dutchie is just as unique as you!
So, sit back, relax and veel succes (good luck) in dating a Dutchie! 🙆🏻♀️
READ MORE | Here’s why internationals struggle with dating the Dutch (according to a dating expert!)
What’s your experience with dating in the Netherlands? Tell us in the comments below!
You are right it is pretty odd for foreigners when they start being so blunt about personal questions early, but it certainly isn’t a bad thing
I’m an American living in the Netherlands for almost ten years. I do not recognize the Dutch from your comments. And never call them “Dutchie”.
I’m a New Zealander who met a Dutch girl over the summer. I really loved how open, honest and direct she was. Every step of the way the communication was great and we both knew exactly where we stood (no time wasting!). Very refreshing compared to dating New Zealand girls who often play games, want to test you, won’t openly tell you how they feel (they want you to try and guess) and New Zealanders in general are taught to be polite and kind, even when they don’t like someone. It’s just all so fake and two-faced to me. Much prefer the bluntness of Dutchies!
Thanks for the important information